Sunday, January 12, 2025

The Sunday Post #376

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The Sunday Post is a chance to recap the past week, talk about next week, tell you what I’m reading, and share news. It’s hosted by The Caffeinated Book ReviewerReaderbuzz, and Book Date.

The Sunday Post

On The Blog Recently

In My Reading Life

My first book of 2025 was Ice Ghosts: The Epic Hunt For The Lost Franklin Expedition by Paul Watson. I liked it very much. It's nonfiction, and it's exactly what the title says. In 1845, Sir John Franklin and 129 men went to the Arctic on two ships to search for the Northwest Passage. The trip went poorly. None of the men made it home. The two ships were missing until 2014. This book is the story of all the people throughout history who attempted to find Franklin's lost ships and discover what happened to the men.

I think the book needs editing because it meanders and feels a bit disorganized, but I was still completely fascinated by the attempts to locate Franklin. His wife never gave up on him. It's sad that she died from old age without leaning what happened to her husband. The families of Franklin's crew also had to live with the mystery. I don't think I could have done that. It would have made me insane.

It's interesting that whole generations of people let their racism get in the way of their goals. Pretty much nobody talked to the Inuit people about the lost ships. For an Inuit person in the early 1800s, seeing two massive ships get crushed by ice would be like seeing a UFO crash. It's news that they spread to their neighbors and passed down to their children. Franklin's ships were found in 2014. They were found exactly where the Inuit said they sank. It seems like this mystery could have been solved a lot faster if we used our words.

It's also interesting that governments (even modern ones!) used the search for Franklin as a publicity stunt. That feels icky. If I'm putting myself in danger to find a missing person, I want to do it for the person's family. I don't want to do it for Stephen Harper's approval rating. That's gross.

The information in this book could have been better organized. Sometimes it was difficult to keep up with all the names and dates. Don't let that stop you from reading the book. I learned a lot.

In The Rest Of My Life

Five things that made me happy last week:

  1. I passed the National Registry EMT test! It sucked. I'm happy I passed on the first try. I think the only thing I have left on my to-do list is to get fingerprinted. Then I'll be done with EMT stuff. I passed all my classes and skills tests. I did all my clinical hours on the ambulance. I did all my training at the fire station. I need a nap.
  2. I have a break from textbooks! If I get to do more training, it wouldn't start until August. I can read whatever I want between now and August. There are so many possibilities.
  3. It was my sister's birthday. We ordered burritos and cake. They were delicious.
  4. I posted my Best Books of 2024 list. My reading stats with all the graphs will be posted on Tuesday. I enjoy making those.
  5. I looked at social media for the first time in about 6 months. I'm learning how to use Bluesky. TikTok finally figured out that I'm not interested in romance or smutty books, so it's serving me creepy nonfiction now. I approve. I checked on how my Pinterest pins are preforming and saw the trending bookish topics. People on Pinterest are having way too much fun. Also, my pin is relevant to none of those growing trends.

Follow My Misadventures

Take care of yourselves and be kind to each other. See you around the blogosphere!


  1. Congrats for passing your EMT test! You worked hard for that.

  2. I added Ice Ghost, I would like that book. I read one about Shackleton's expeditions too so this will up my alley. Great news about passing the EMT test and you deserve a break!

  3. I'm sure I'll be totally jealous of your graphs and stats - I love that kind of stuff. Congrats on your EMT accomplishments! Also, LOVE the Bruce Lee opener. LMAO

  4. Congratulations AJ! What an accomplishment! The world is better for having one more EMT in it. Have a great week!

  5. Congratulations on passing the EMT test!! That's quite an accomplishment... first try, too!

  6. Congrats on passing the EMT test! That's great news! I'm on Bluesky. I just went over and followed you :) Have a great week!

  7. Congrats on passing the test! That sounds like quite the hurdle.

  8. Ice Ghost sounds interesting. And congratulations on passing your EMT test! I'm also on BlueSky (JeffG1975)

  9. Congrats on being done with all the EMT stuff!!! That book sounds good and I feel like I've read a book about that guy but not that exact book. I imagine there are several books on him. Mmmm burritos and cake sound like a great birthday to meeeeeeeeeeee. What kind of cake?

  10. Congratulations on passing all your tests AJ! I am so proud of you! Unwind and rest now!

  11. Congrats on your EMT!
    I have read about the Endurance, but didn't know this book.

  12. Congratulations! What an accomplishment passing on the first try, passing all your tests and skills, and doing it all while working full time. Your reward is some chonky book out there. I never heard of the Franklin Expedition (that I know of), but it's amazing how many years later they found the ships.

  13. Woo hoo! Congratulations on passing your test!

    I need to take a look at your Best Books of 2024. And, I think, your End of the Year book tag.

  14. Congrats on passing EMT test!! Woo hoo!!

    I love that your book posts might be somehow relevant to both Bible highlighting and super detailed extra spicy book pages. LOL! That's quite the pairing!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  15. Congrats on managing all those new skills! It's nice you have some time before another wave of training. Social media is a nightmare. I'm mostly on Bluesky and Discord now. But I have all the accounts, still deciding what can go.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  16. Congratulations on finishing basically everything for your EMT training! And, enjoy all the time with your reading possibilities! Freedom :)

  17. Congrats on finishing your EMT training! Are you through with being a park ranger? I've seen a book, maybe the same one, about the Franklin Expedition, and it sounded interesting. It's nuts that no one thought to ask the locals about the ships! People need to engage their brains more!

  18. Congratulations on passing all your courses and national exam! Wahoooo! That must feel so good--partly to be done with that work and partly to be proud of yourself.

    Um, burritos and cake? Yes please.

  19. Congratulations on passing the National Registry EMT test!! That's great news! I wish I could take longer breaks from social media but I'm just not that strong lol

  20. I loved your post on blogging challenges, it was great. Yeah for passing your EMT exam. Congratulations!

  21. Congrats on passing your EMT exam! Well done!

    I love a good statistics post! Mine will be up on Sunday!

    Have a great week!

  22. Congratulations on gaining your EMT certification!
    I’ve followed you on BlueSky.

    Wishing you a great reading week

  23. Congrats on passing your test! That's awesome!!

  24. First off many congrats on passing your EMT National Registry! And OMG! It’s hard to believe no one even thought to ask the Inuit about the missing ships of The Franklin Expedition. People can be so stupid. Off to read your best books of 2024!

  25. Congrats on passing your exam! It must be such a relief to have that over for a while. I just blog. Other social media sort of baffles me. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  26. Congratulations on passing your exam and having the freedom to read what you want until August. You accomplish a crazy amount of things. Ice Ghosts sounds good. Loved the Bruce Lee photo. Enjoy your week.

  27. Haha! I love that Bruce Lee meme. Ice Ghosts sounds really interesting! I seem to have nonfiction on the brain because all the books attracting my attention right now are nonfiction.

    Congratulations on passing the National Registry EMT test! You have earned that nap and more!

    I hope you have a great week, AJ.
