Sunday, December 29, 2024

The Sunday Post #374

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The Sunday Post is a chance to recap the past week, talk about next week, tell you what I’m reading, and share news. It’s hosted by The Caffeinated Book ReviewerReaderbuzz, and Book Date.

The Sunday Post #374

On The Blog Recently

In My Reading Life

So . . . I haven't written a Sunday Post or a book review since September. Oops. It's entirely EMT school's fault. I was attempting to go to school full time and work full time so I could pay for school. It was a terrible decision, but things have slowed down now, so let's talk about books.

I finished my 12 happy books challenge! In 2024, my goal was to read one happy book per month. It was a very good challenge. I'm trying to decide if I want to commit to it again in 2025. Do you have any book recommendations that are similar to the books below?

My December happy book was The Undertaking Of Hart And Mercy by Megan Bannen. It succeeded in the goal of making me happy because romances are always better with zombies.

Hart is a zombie hunter. Mercy is an undertaker at the funeral home where Hart brings the zombies he destroys. The main characters start off hating each other for petty, childish reasons, but as the story progresses, they fall in love, and it's adorable.

I like the author's creativity. The story is mostly a romance, but it takes place in a world full of talking animals, zombies, and gods. I'm too dead inside to enjoy a regular romance, but I can appreciate a romance with "extras." The world building and side characters make this book a lot of fun.

I think the book could have been at least 100 pages shorter. The pace really drags at times, but I still enjoyed it. This zombie romance made me slightly less dead inside.

The other book I read in December is Don't Let The Forest In by C.G. Drews. I liked this one too! It's a young adult horror novel about two teenage boys at a boarding school. One of them is a writer. The other is an artist. They love creating monsters until those monsters come to life and attempt to destroy their creators.

The body horror in this thing will give you literal nightmares. If a book can make me throw up in my mouth, I'm going to give it at least 4 stars.

Everything about this novel is intense. The characters' emotions are stuck at level 10. Even the writing style is constantly at top intensity. The characters don't fall in love. They rip their hearts out and giftwrap them. Or something like that. The nonstop intensity makes the book impossible to put down. I wanted to know how weird and twisted it would get.

The intensity is a double-edged sword because it makes it difficult to feel settled in the story's world. You never really know when or why things are happening. The characters are melodramatically emotional at all times, which makes them realistic teenagers, but also makes them hard to comprehend. I never understood why these boys are so obsessed with each other. There's a twist at the end that (somewhat) explains the lack of character development, but since the twist is predictable, it wasn't enough for me. I wanted to see the boys' relationship grow and become unhealthy. The book just dumps you into a horror/obsession situation and expects you to keep up.

Don't let that stop you from reading the book. I flew through it because I was always curious about what would happen next.

If you enjoyed The Wicker King by K. Ancrum, then this is your next read.

In The Rest Of My Life

Much has happened since we last spoke. I don't know where to start, so I'll go through the photos on my phone and see what I can find. If there's photographic evidence of an event, it must be important, right?

The moon was weird on December 15th. That's the moon! In the nighttime! It was so bright that it looked like sunrise or something.

I did EMT training at the local volunteer fire station. I got to wear firefighting gear. I do not recommend it. It's December, so it's literally freezing outside, but I was sweating and claustrophobic after approximately two minutes. I could not be a firefighter. All I could think about was how badly I wanted the clothes off. Massive respect for firefighters.

Since the fire station serves a rural area, they rely on helicopters to get patients to the hospital. I learned how to prepare a landing zone and help a helicopter land. It was fun. The flight nurses let me sit inside the helicopter and showed me how they do patient care in the air. I thought working in an ambulance was difficult. Then I saw the helicopter. OMG. The nurses can't do manual CPR because the helicopter isn't tall enough to stand in. They also can't reach the lower half of their patient's body. They just have to hope that everything is cool down there. Massive respect for flight nurses. I could never.

Someone donated their crashed car to the fire station, so we broke it even more. We practiced extrications and prying car doors open.

I love going to different neighborhoods and looking at decorations. I decided to tier rank Christmas decorations this year. People who Christmas-ify their Halloween decorations are top tier. Work smarter, not harder, right? Just cover your skeletons in lights!

More top-tier decorations. What about the bottom tier? Here you go:

I regret to inform you that the Sad Beige Baby trend has escaped from Pinterest and come for Jesus.

The opposite of Sad Beige Baby is Doing Too Much. The colorful house was blasting church choir music. If I can hear your house from three miles away, then you are Doing Too Much. You are Christmassing too hard. Also, if Christian Nationalism was a house, it would be this one.

Baby Brooklyn had a good Christmas. She got Barbies and several stuffed animals with massive eyeballs.

I'm On Bluesky Now! And I Need Friends!

Take care of yourselves and be kind to each other. See you around the blogosphere!


  1. Congrats on reading the books recommended to you by friends. Too bad most of my friends are too busy with family to read much! Happy new year!

  2. My two happy recommendations would be Teller of Small Fortunes by Julie Leong and the entire White Trash Zombies series by Diana Rowland. Good luck with your EMT training. You have been too busy. Happy reading!

    Anne - Books of My Heart   This is my Sunday Post

  3. I love that you used your photos to remind you of what you did in December, I totally get that even though I've taken fewer photos lately. The time at the fire station sounds really fun and as if you learned a ton. I hope that once you are finished with EMT school your life will calm down a bit (perhaps just a job and no school?). Happy New Year!

  4. Love the Happy Reads. I trained as an EMT many mant years ago and my dad was the fire chief. It is hard work but so rewarding. All your pictures are wonderful. Hope you have a very happy new year!

  5. I got focused on books that delight me for a while in 2024. They're hard to find for myself and also to recommend to others, because what works for each of us is different. Also, I noted, that what works for myself can change over time.

    Anyway, if it helps, here's my list of books that delighted me:

    I liked Braiding Sweetgrass from your list and I want to read Remarkably Bright Creatures.

  6. Yeah! Glad to hear you enjoyed Hart and Mercy. I was amazed at how much I enjoyed it given I am not a fantasy reader. Double duty is NOT easy. You are doing great!

  7. I hope EMT training is done soon, before you need one from being so busy!
    Happy Recs: The Love of My Afterlife by Kirsty Greenwood which is silly and sweet

    Have a good week of reading, and a happy new year

  8. Hold on, I'm dying at that meme. I can't even keep going with the post because I'm laughing so hard.
    I want to read that Undertaking of Hart book. It looks pretty great.

    Ash @ Essentially Ash
    Want to follow me on Bookstagram, booktok, add my snapchat or check out my photography?

  9. Entering a helping profession like nursing or EMT is laudable, and I respect all the time and effort. you are putting into learning the skills you need.
    Have a great New Year… mae at

  10. Oof, even work full time and school half time is really overwhelming, so I can't imagine how it was for you. Is this just a lull, or are you going to have more free time again soon? I'm hanging in here until June, after which I'm going to try to lie fallow for at least a year, heh.

    I've been meaning to give The Undertaking Of Hart And Mercy a go for aaages.

  11. It's good to hear from you again, but I definitely understand why you haven't been around this fall! Thank you for training as an EMT... such a tough job, but so appreciated. Love the happy book challenge!

  12. I am in awe of firefighters and flight nurses too! But you also are inspiring AJ!

  13. I was on the fire brigade team when I worked in Yellowstone Park in 1975. Our fire truck was from the 1930s. Thankfully we did not have to put out any fires.

    I keep an ongoing list of Mood-Boosting Books. It's very long, but here is a link to it:

  14. I love your 12 Happy Book Challenge. What a great idea. I'm glad you were able to complete it. I hope you have a great week and Happy New Year!

  15. Sounds like the EMT training is pretty intense! I've read a few of your happy books and I agree😁 Happy New Year!

  16. Congratulations on the EMT training. The book challenge sounds interesting. Have a great New Year.

  17. Ha-ha. The photo of the light display of Santa peeing. So funny. I love your 12 books friends recommended. I enjoyed the Remarkable Creature and Braiding Sweetgrass. Happy New Year.

  18. Wow you have been super busy. Enjoyed hearing about the EMT training. I read Legends and Lattes and liked it. However not so much the witches on, so won't read the next one. Have a great 2025.

  19. Congratulations on winning your reading challenge. Honestly, you are amazing: school and work fulltime. Totally amazing! Love the photos. We have people around here that decorate their skeletons for all kinds of seasons. I guess if you put up that big thing, you aren't taking it down soon. Brooklyn is adorable. Hope 2025 is wonderful to you.

  20. Working full-time and going to school full-time is hard! I’m glad things are calming down for you. My local firehouse regularly does training. There’s always a totally smashed car or two sitting on the property. Looks like a wonderful Christmas.

  21. OMG, Brooklyn is so big!! LOL I love when people keep their Halloween decorations up year round. There is a guy not too far from me that decorates his skeleton and werewolf for every holiday.

  22. The Christian Nationalism house :-)

    My husband worked as a critical care paramedic for 20 years then went back to school and started working in the cath lab. It's a tough job no matter whether you're doing it in the back of an ambulance for 2 hours or on a 45-minute flight so I give mad props to everyone working in emergency medicine. Good luck with everything you have on your plate right now! Happy New Year!

  23. Aw, Baby Brooklyn is getting so big! I always love seeing her!
