Tuesday, August 27, 2024

A Narcissism Post About Narcissism Posts

Today we're talking about everybody's favorite topic: ME! It's a narcissism post about narcissism posts. I don't think I can handle this level of self-absorption. I might collapse into a black hole and suck the entire universe into myself.

I've written a lot of blog posts about myself. Every Sunday Post I've ever written is about me. But, what about the other posts? Which ones are the most self-absorbed? Here are the posts you should read if you want to learn everything about me.

😒  The Most Interesting Person In The World  😕

1. I noticed that I've been using Goodreads since 2014, so I talked about the best books I've read in the last 10+ years. Also, you should be friends with me on Goodreads.

2. Here are all the petty reasons I've given books low ratings. This post features my dog sled obsession, my cult obsession, my parents' unfortunate Fox News obsession, and many gifs.

3. I worked embarrassingly hard on this one. It took me an entire winter to write, and it shows off my pretentious education. It's a beginner's guide to writing book reviews.

4. I'm a connoisseur of trashy television. If you share my terrible tastes, here's what to watch on TV right now.

5. When this blog turned 10 years old, I stole an idea from another blogger (thank you, Shannon) and wrote about how my life has changed in the last 10 years.

6. Since this is a book blog, I've talked about what makes me read a book and what makes me avoid a book.

7. I dug through the data from my affiliate links to find out if people actually listen to my book recommendations. Doing customer service for a state park has taught me that people rarely listen when I talk. I feel like I've spent 5 years shouting, "WHERE'S YOUR LIFE JACKET?" into a void. Here are some books I recommended (and people actually bought). Someone is listening! (Well, they're not listening to the safety stuff that could keep them alive, but book recommendations are nice.)

8. Sometimes I do activities that aren't reading. I know it's hard to believe. Here's what I do when I'm not reading books.

9. I read a romance book once, and then promptly decided I could be a romance author. I made romance books (I'm sorry & you're welcome).

10. There are skunks under my house. I don't know how to remove them, so I bought trail cameras and made them a YouTube channel.

Tell me something about yourself!


  1. I become mesmerized when people start revealing things about themselves. Maybe that's why I like to read.

  2. Oh, I love this post! Your “pet” skunks are adorable, although I’m sure it can be tricky to have them around sometimes, too.

    And your post about writing book reviews is right on point.

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

  3. This sounds like a great collection of posts about you! All your descriptions made me want to read them asap 😍

  4. I love your little skunk friends! It makes me think of the book the Kildee House!

    1. Well I am not supposed to be anonymous but I'm on my phone and screwed up. Lol. This is Erin from Cracker Crumb Life

  5. I love all your blog posts about you! 😂 And I love the corresponding gifs to go with each point, they're so apt!

  6. You crack me up! I cannot imagine living with skunks. My parents didn't have AC when I was growing up so we always slept with our windows open. A skunk must have sprayed in the yard for some reason one night because we all woke up gagging at some ungodly hour of the night!

  7. I love how you decided to deal with your little skunk problem.
    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  8. You really have written some memorable posts, and now they are all in one place!

  9. These are all so fun! I always love learning more about people!

  10. I loved this post topic. I rarely write about myself, so it's fun to get some ideas from others as to how I could while still keeping it bookish. Here’s mine: https://www.howdidthatbookend.com/top-content/

  11. Jamie (jannghi.blogspot.com): Agree with Zezee on the title post.

  12. I love this. Everything about it. Because honestly our whole blogs are kiiiinda narcissistic, yeah? Let's own it! Also I am way too excited to watch these skunk videos!

  13. 'I feel like I've spent 5 years shouting, "WHERE'S YOUR LIFE JACKET?" into a void.' - Love that image!

    Also, have subscribed to skunks :)
