Sunday, June 9, 2024

The Sunday Post #369

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The Sunday Post is a chance to recap the past week, talk about next week, tell you what I’m reading, and share news. It’s hosted by The Caffeinated Book ReviewerReaderbuzz, and Book Date.

The Sunday Post #369

On The Blog Recently

In My Reading Life

I finished my reread of the Shades Of Magic series! I reread A Conjuring Of Light by V.E. Schwab. It's the third book in the series.

The third book picks up right after the heart-attack-inducing cliffhanger at the end of book 2. The doors between the parallel worlds have been opened, and something evil has escaped from Black London. It has already infected White London and Red London. Now it’s trying to worm its way into Gray London. Kell and Lila are the only ones strong enough to stop it. How many parallel worlds will fall before they can destroy the spreading darkness?

This series definitely isn’t a work of literary genius, but it’s so much fun. There’s adventure, and magic, and sassy badass characters. There are knife fights, and action scenes, and lots of blood. I adore the parallel Londons. They’re all unique and mysterious. I’m very happy that the author is releasing more books set in this world. There is more to see, and I’m not ready to leave the Londons yet. This world is huge. I need more magic and danger in my reading life.

Bring on the next one!

Then I read a short story collection called Unclean Jobs For Women And Girls by Alissa Nutting. They're horror humor stories. The subjects of the stories are disturbing, but the author writes about them in funny, nonchalant ways.

I have mixed feelings about this book. I don't know if I've ever loved and hated a short story collection so much. I DNFed a few of the stories because I don't like weirdness for the sake of weirdness. If something is weird, I want it to eventually make sense so I understand what I'm supposed to get out of reading the story. A few of the stories in this collection didn't seem to be going anywhere. They were just weird, so I gave up.

On the other hand, I adored some of the stories. They're very eccentric. Most of them are about lonely, underemployed women who are doing whatever they can to survive. One of my favorites is "Model Assistant." A woman accidentally becomes the assistant to a super model and gets dragged into a world of extreme wealth and nonstop parties. The main character is strangely relatable.

I also liked "Ant Colony." An actress decides to turn herself into a living ant colony, but the ants eat her from the inside out. It's creepy.

One of my other favorites is "Deliverywoman." It's about a delivery woman (obviously) whose mother has been frozen in ice as punishment for murder. The delivery woman decides to defrost her mother, but that turns out to be a terrible idea. The dialogue is hilarious.

If you like short horror, I'd recommend this book. You just need a high tolerance for weirdness.

In The Rest Of My Life

Five things that made me happy recently:

  1. I survived Memorial Day weekend at work. I hope you enjoyed your 3-day weekend (if you had one).
  2. I celebrated the start of summer with chili dogs and pickles. I freakin' love chili dogs with pickles!
  3. I watched Ripley on Netflix. The show follows the plot of the book pretty well, and it's very artsy. Actually, sometimes it's all art, no plot. I liked it.
  4. I've also been watching a bunch of shows with "wars" in their titles. There's Customer Wars, Road Wars, Neighborhood Wars, etc. It's mostly just footage from dash cameras and security cameras. I like it because it's crazy stuff, but people rarely die in the crazy stuff. It's on the Peacock app.
  5. Here are the animals from my trail cameras. We still have baby foxes. They're cute, and their mom constantly looks stressed out. I can relate.

I'm just a girl, standing in front of social media, asking you to wear a life jacket while paddleboarding

Take care of yourselves and be kind to each other. See you around the blogosphere!


  1. So glad you shared quotes from some light books. I've had a lot of trouble lately reading something light. I need some light but meaningful recommendations.

    Love those little foxes!

  2. Baby foxes!!!! I want one! LOL.

    The weird book sounds intriguing, but I am unsure of my capacity for weirdness. Hmm.

  3. These baby foxes are so cute! And yes I get why fox mom is stressed!

  4. You cracked me up with the opening pic.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  5. Funny, disturbing stories, OK. I am glad you enjoyed your chili dogs. I am hoping to get an invite to a cookout because that's the only way I get to eat hotdogs. Wow! I never realized there were that many shows that were "wars" (though, I loved Cupcake Wars).

  6. I loved the Darker Shade of Magic and the first in the next trilogy Fragile Threads of Power.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  7. I like chili dogs. And I like pickles. But never the two shall meet. lol

  8. I love chili dogs with ketchup, mustard, onions, and sweet pickle relish.

  9. Surviving Memorial Day at your job is an accomplishment! I am also a pickle fan. Now my mouth is watering.

  10. Chili dogs. Yum! I'm the only one in my family who likes pickles. Congratulations on surviving Memorial Day. Next up, Fourth of July?

    Neat books. Not into horror these days. I guess I've become a scaredy cat. Hope you enjoy your week.

  11. Glad you survived the holiday weekend! I imagine it was pretty stressful!

  12. Those foxes are so cute. I like weird tales and really think I need to grab that short story collection. I need to know more about the woman who decides to become a living ant colony. Seriously. WHY????? Hope you have a wonderful week.

  13. Sounds like an interesting week. I'll have to give A Darker Shade of Magic another try. I've picked it up and put it down again a few times already. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  14. I've read the first book in the Magic Shades series, but for some reason didn't get any further. I'll have to give it another go and see if I can get further. As for short story collection - I quite enjoy weird, but it has to mean something and go somewhere, otherwise I quickly get fed up:)). I hope you're having a good good, AJ.

  15. Great post! I always enjoy your five things that make you happy.

  16. Oh, I'm so glad I came and read this old post, just so I could see the baby foxes. My heart!!
