Sunday, April 30, 2023

The Sunday Post #333

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The Sunday Post is a chance to recap the past week, talk about next week, tell you what I’m reading, and share news. It’s hosted by The Caffeinated Book ReviewerReaderbuzz, and Book Date.

The Sunday Post #333

On The Blog Recently

In My Reading Life

I read a short story collection called What It Means When A Man Falls From The Sky by Lesley Nneka Arimah. Like all short story collections, some stories are better than others, but I didn't hate any of them! The stories mostly focus on the misadventures of young Nigerian women. Some of the stories are realistic. Some are historical or futuristic. Others are magical. One is a folktale. I love the variety because I never knew what was coming next. The author is a very imaginative writer with a lot of intriguing ideas.

My favorite in the collection is "The Future Looks Good." It's very short, but when it ended, I was like, "Oh . . . dang." Those few pages pack a punch.

My only complaint is that the author is smarter than me. I don't think I understood all the stories. Some of them seem to end rather abruptly, and I wasn't sure what I was supposed to get out of them.

If you like short story collections, I recommend this one. I understand why it has won awards. It's written beautifully.

In The Rest Of My Life

Five things that made me happy recently:

  1. I got new binoculars. They're fun to mess with. I've been spying on birds. And squirrels. And the neighbors.
  2. I finally got to go for a walk. It keeps snowing on my days off, so I've been trapped in the house, but I briefly escaped with my binoculars.
  3. My work friends. Most of the people I worked with last year didn't come back for another season, but a few of them did. I missed them during the winter. Text message gossip is not the same as in-person gossip.
  4. Hockey playoffs have started! I'm trying to record a zillion games and watch them on my days off. It's not going well so far because I don't get enough days off!
  5. I liked writing my "What I Do When I'm Not Reading Books" and "10 Blogging Myths—Busted!" posts. Who knew that not blogging about books would give me life?

Do I Even Post On Social Media Anymore?

Take care of yourselves and be kind to each other. See you around the blogosphere!


  1. We have birding binoculars but may not go birding this May at Lake Erie as we used to. Staying away from crowds. I’m hoping to see some migrating birds in the back yard. Enjoy spring!

  2. I liked reading both those posts. Lots of fun! I am not a huge fan of short stories, but I am often impressed when an author can accomplished so much in so few pages. Not all are super successful, but I have read some great ones.

  3. As a former teacher, short stories were my life! There are so many excellent ones out there!

  4. I love this image of you spying on everything and everyone with your new binoculars! They seem like they'd be super useful in your job as well. And I agree, in person gossip way better than text gossip so I'm glad you have some returnees at work. Have a great week.

  5. We had so many birds around last week! I went to grab my binoculars and realized that they were lost in the hurricane... hope to get new ones this week. I had that short story collection on my list, but forgot all about it. I don't read many of them, but liked the sounds of this book. Thanks for reminding me!

  6. "And the neighbors". lol Our neighbor just got one of those golf cart thingies and was tooling around in it. We live in a subdivision though- where's she gonna go? I can see if you have land or something, ground to cover. They just zoom up the streets here. So I guess I was spying on the neighbors too

  7. New binoculars, how fun! I love taking walks, too, and they would be an added benefit to the pleasure.

  8. Snowing?? It was almost 90 degrees here last week, which is very unusual and made me unhappy.

  9. Binoculars are really needed--light ones for hiking, waterproof ones for sailing, and heavy ones for looking at the sky and planets at night (we have a 15x70 set that gives the arms a weight workout if used for more than a few minutes).

  10. Birds — great! Spying on neighbors — not so great! I hope you aren’t looking into windows. Birding is a rewarding hobby, though.

    best, mae at

  11. I always enjoy your 5 things! I hope the new season is going well and the snow eventually ends for more walking.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  12. "My only complaint is that the author is smarter than me." My favorite sort of author.

    I need to learn how to use my binoculars. I tend to use my camera as binoculars!

  13. I don't do well with binoculars. Something about the focus always messes with me but I probably should spend time figuring it out. Good luck with the new season and I'm glad some of your work friends returned. That makes work so much butter. Have a great week!

  14. I have a new set of binoculars that a publisher sent to me along with a book. They are probably not great but better than nothing. Have a great week!

  15. Yay for being able to get out and walk! It has been cold and rainy here, with some hail mixed in, but i think it is supposed to warm up again. Have a great rest of your week!

  16. I hope it warms up for you soon so you can get out a bit more! Enjoy all the hockey games and hope you’re having a great week.

  17. Toronto's going a little nuts at the moment. Out of the first round for the first time in a long time!

  18. Lol about the binoculars! I love my binoculars! I use them to look at birds...mostly, haha!
