Sunday, January 29, 2023

The Sunday Post #323

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The Sunday Post is a chance to recap the past week, talk about next week, tell you what I’m reading, and share news. It’s hosted by The Caffeinated Book ReviewerReaderbuzz, and Book Date.

The Sunday Post #323

On The Blog Recently

In My Reading Life

I finished the Simon Snow series. Nooo! What will I do with my life now? I've been spending all my free time reading these books.

Does the series really have to be over? There are a bunch of dangling plot threads because the characters decided to let somebody else save the world. They could change their minds and keep things going . . . .

Anyway, this series is about a group of 20-somethings who have finished wizard school and are now in college or starting careers. The final book is Any Way The Wind Blows. It's slightly less plot-focused than the previous books, which is kind of the point. What's a Chosen One supposed to do when his enemies have been vanquished? How's he supposed to live without the whole world watching? What if fighting monsters is his only job skill, and he doesn't want to do it anymore?

The humor and quirky characters are the best part of this series, but I also love that it's set after a wizard war. The characters have regrets about how they behaved during the battles. They're now trying to correct their mistakes. In the process, they make friends with the classmates who had to get out of their way during all the saving-the-world stuff.

This series is awesome because it takes the villains and background characters from traditional fantasy series and turns them into main characters.

My biggest complaint about the final book is the kissing scenes. Most of them become biting scenes. It makes sense because the characters involved are a vampire and a dragon boy who used to be enemies, but it grossed me out. Kissing is unsanitary enough without breaking the skin! I couldn't stop thinking about infections. I hope they brushed their teeth before literally attacking each other's faces.

I'm scared of germs. If you're normal, maybe the biting is fine. Don't let it stop you from reading the book. I enjoyed this series. I'm sad it's over.

In The Rest Of My Life

Five things that made me happy last week:

  1. I'm going to miss the Simon Snow books. I really need to read happier stuff. My books are too depressing. When my book buying ban is over, goal #1 will be "Acquire happy books."
  2. Thank you to everyone who leaves nice comments on this blog. One of my Pinterest pins did really well last week, which brought a lot of traffic to the blog. Traffic and new friends are fun, but some of the comments are hilariously mean. I'm sorry I haven't read every book in the world! I'm reading as fast as I can!
  3. My newest reality TV obsession is The Traitors. It's on the Peacock app in the US. It's a bit like Survivor, but it's set in a Scottish castle. I may have watched all the episodes in 2 days.
  4. The weather was nice enough that I could go for a walk on Friday. I'm pretty sure we set a record for most January snow. Every time I want to go somewhere, it's snowing, and stuff is closed because the plows can't keep up.
  5. Listening to Baby Brooklyn plan her birthday party. She'll be 4 in a few weeks. I can't believe she's old enough to make party plans! They're not financially realistic plans, but they're still plans. (Does anyone remember the MTV show My Super Sweet 16? Brooklyn wants a Super Sweet 4.)

Join My Financially Realistic Party

Take care of yourselves and be kind to each other. See you around the blogosphere!


  1. Aw Happy Birthday to baby Brooklyn! 4 is a fun age!

    I was just thinking about picking up another Rainbow Rowell book the other day. It's been a bit since I have read her - I am not sure how I feel about the biting parts you mention though. It sounds very gross to me as well. Uck.

  2. That meme describes the company I work for. I remember this time the governor declared a state of emergency. The trains, buses all shut down, but we were expected at work. Crazy! Survivor in a castle. I like that. Do they have to live like back in that castle's hey day? That would be tough. Brooklyn is precious. I remember those days. If someone crossed my daughter back then, she would tell me to "take them off the list!", and she meant her birthday invite list.

  3. Oh wow, four!! I remember reading your posts talking about her imminent arrival and soon-to-be aunty excitement! Now she's four... Crazy. I love the birthday aspirations though. She's got the right idea. Shoot big! 😆

  4. I read the first Simon Snow book, but then never continued. I definitely need to fix that. I love hearing about Brooklyn's party plans--so funny!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  5. Oh, no. I hate mean blog comments. Blog comments are usually so nice so the mean ones are so rotten.

  6. I am dying over your comments about the biting scenes. "I hope they brushed their teeth..." Hahahahahaa.

    I love depressing, sad, tragic books.

    I guess we can't call Brooklyn Baby Brooklyn anymore. How is she 4???

  7. Gosh AJ you made me burst with laughter reading your comment about the kissing scene and them brushing their teeth :-))))))))

  8. I am laughing so hard at your comment "I can't stop thinking about infections." LOL I say go for the Super Sweet 4 party! :)

  9. I don't think I knew that Rainbow Rowell had a vampire/dragon boy/wizard series. I have the feeling that I have missed a lot during the pandemic when all my library and book conferences shut down.

    How do you get around in all that snow?! The coldest I've ever been was when we were in France for three weeks in the winter, and I could never get warm.

  10. Wow they grow so fast. Seriously mean comments because you hadn't read other books? UGH. Mean people are stupid. I hope your weather is good for the week ahead; we're getting rainer and colder.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  11. Listening to a four-year-old plan a party sounds quite entertaining! I never even thought about posting on Pinterest to get blog traffic. What a cool idea! Have a wonderful week. :-)

  12. The snow is really bad here too, we just got a blizzard over the weekend. I went out yesterday and had to turn around and come back. The Simon Snow books always intrigued me ever since reading the snippets in Fangirl...

  13. Happy Birthday to Brooklyn... can't believe she's going to be 4 already. That is such a fun age! I've enjoyed a few of Rainbow Rowell's books, but never heard of this series. Glad you enjoyed it.

  14. SOOO much snow, even in the name of a series, lol!!

  15. Aww, happy early birthday to Baby Brooklyn! I don't know what it is, but my kids are just not big on birthday parties. I'm happy about this--it certainly makes my life easier--but WHY? WHY DON'T THEY WANT A BIRTHDAY PARTY? Kids are so strange sometimes...

    Have a great week! - Melinda @ A Web of Stories

  16. I love that meme. I've driven to work so many times in horrible weather, I'm so glad I don't do that anymore. Happy Birthday to Brooklyn!

  17. We haven't had snow this year, really. Even if we did, I work from home so it's not even like I could get a snow day! Haha, Brooklyn - I bet she has many opinions!

  18. Wow, baby Brooklyn is four already? Time flies. Enjoy.

    I don't like vampires or biting!

  19. I love to get involved in a series. I haven't read anything by Rowell. Will have to check out the series. Happy birthday to Brooklyn

  20. I'm getting really tired of snow. We're still dealing with the 44.9 inches we got in December. January has only added 17.2 inches so far. I hope Brooklyn has a fun, not so expensive, birthday. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  21. Ugh on the snow! Happy Birthday to your little one. The Simon Snow series sounds interesting. Have a good week and Happy Reading!

  22. I've heard about The Traitors but I haven't seen it yet. I do like Survivor so maybe I'd like this one too. Happy Birthday to Brooklyn! Hope you have a great week!

  23. Wow, Brooklyn will be 4! Happy birthday, Brooklyn. We have been in a snow drought this winter, but we have had plenty of rain!

  24. I've been surprised not to have a lot of snow this year because my area is one that usually attracts a lot of it. I'm glad that you were able to get a nice walk in, at the very least!
    claire @ clairefy

  25. People who leave nasty comments on blogs are just weird. What is the point and why are they so unhappy?! I love that Brooklyn is busy planning her party, what fun!

  26. Lol aww Brooklyn planning her Super Sweet 4. I hope she has a wonderful party and enjoys her birthday.

  27. Brooklyn's birthday party aspirations made me laugh. At least she's not afraid to dream big! And now I'm adding The Traitors to my To Watch list. I think I could watch a show about dusting if it was set in a Scottish castle! I hope you're having a wonderful week.

  28. How is Baby Brooklyn FOUR already? What? I remember when she was born. Damn. Time is flying.

  29. Happy belated/early birthday to Baby Brooklyn. It's shocking how time flies ( my son will be turning seven next month...) I sometimes have books or series that I want to go on as well... so I know how sad it is when that specific world isn't visited anymore...
