Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: Intriguing Quotes From Recent Reads

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week’s topic is book quotes. Here are ten intriguing quotes from books I’ve read this year.

Intriguing Quotes From Recent Reads

Science is asking questions. And living is not being afraid of the answer.

It all comes down to the first thing you think of when you wake up. That first image or idea before the filtering of conscious thought takes over, while you’re still in between. Whatever you think of, that’s the reason you get up in the first place. That’s the reason you get out of bed, into your clothes, into your shoes, and out the door.

Once upon a time, a girl lived in a sandcastle, making monsters to send through a hole in the sky.

One thing I’ve learned over the years is how easy it is for some people to say horrible things about me when I’m not around, but how hard it is for them to look me in the eye and say it to my face.

Violence does, in truth, recoil upon the violent, and the schemer falls into the pit which he digs for another.

You ever consider that maybe you're not supposed to 'fit'? People who make history rarely do.

The worst crime you can do to yourself is to forget why you chose the path you're on, but keep walking down it anyway.

Now we were old. Now we were different people, and it felt as though everything we went through had happened to someone else, and we had just stood and watched it all from the future.” 

Have you ever asked yourself, do monsters make war, or does war make monsters? 

We’re only pretending everything is normal because we don’t know what else to do. 

What quotable book have you read recently?


  1. I just finished a couple of books by Bob Goss and I've become convinced that one of the things we need to do more of is talk with people. Talk. Conversations. I think Hillary is right: “One thing I’ve learned over the years is how easy it is for some people to say horrible things about me when I’m not around, but how hard it is for them to look me in the eye and say it to my face.”

  2. Ooh, I love that quote about science being about asking questions without fearing their answers.

    My TTT.

  3. Gosh I really like a lot of your quotes! The first, last and HC ones are my faves.

  4. Great list! Laini Taylor's just so quotable, isn't she?

  5. I love the Laini Taylor quotes and can't believe I've never read that series. I do own several though (at leats I think I do). I really enjoyed Dear Martin when I read it. In fact, I still think I liked it better than The Hate U Give.

  6. Wow! If I hadn't already had some of these books on my tbr, I'd be putting them there. And those that weren't already? They're going atop the pile. ;) Great quotes, AJ!

  7. I like that science one a lot. Love Hillary's quote too.

  8. I remember that quote from HRC in What Happened. Sad but so true.

  9. “One thing I’ve learned over the years is how easy it is for some people to say horrible things about me when I’m not around, but how hard it is for them to look me in the eye and say it to my face.” YEP. It's true. I try to not say something I wouldn't say to someone's face.

  10. Love the Laini Taylor ones!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2019/04/30/top-ten-tuesday-209/

  11. Ooh...great quotes! I especially love the Laini Taylor ones. :)

  12. I'm horrible about paying attention to quotes from books, but I love reading other people's posts like this. Thanks for sharing!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  13. I love that you went back to recent reads. I highlight often as I read, but seldom go back once the review is written. Love the one from Science of Breakable Things. That was precious.

  14. I love that Hillary quote, it's so true! It's easy to be mean when it's anonymous, and people are too often fake to your face.

  15. I love the Daughter of Smoke & Bone quote! Laini Taylor is such a good writer.

    Elle @ Keep on Reading

  16. I'm glad you were able to come up with quotes for today! XD I really like the one from Daughter of Smoke and Bone, actually.

  17. Laini Taylor's writing is just so beautiful. Strange the Dreamer has some gorgeous lines too.

    Can you believe I STILL haven't read Dear Martin?

  18. I love the quotes from Laini Taylor's books. She has some awesome quotes for sure! I really need to read Dar Martin - I love that quote. So true.


  19. That After Zero quote.... Wow wow wow. I hadn't thought of that before and now I'm here analyzing a lot. You just put my head to work lol
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

  20. I love that Dear martin's quote because it rings so true AJ!

  21. I like the Tae Keller quote. It's funny how at work people are like "oh you know how to do this" on the self-checkout machines, and it's basically because I think "hmmm, I wonder what happens if I..." and then I try it out.

  22. Ahh these are amazing choices, I especially love the Dear Martin quote, I can't wait to read that book <3

  23. I love these! I read Daughter of Smoke and Bone years ago, and it's a series I've been meaning to finish. I'll definitely need to do a re-read first.

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

  24. Great list. I really love the quote from Hillary Clinton and the one from Dear Martin.

  25. I never really pay attention to quotable lines, but I love these quotes! Definitely a reason to add some of these books to my TBR-list :)

  26. Laini Taylor does amazing things with words. I still need to continue the DoSaB series!

  27. The Hillary Clinton quote is certainly true!

  28. I often jot quotes down in the back of the book... Currently reading "The Fifties" and there's a lot of quotes in his massive book (I'm reading too many "massive" books this year!


  29. I need to read Laini Taylor's series!! Great quotes!

  30. “You ever consider that maybe you're not supposed to 'fit'? People who make history rarely do.”
    I love this quote so much!

  31. Great quotes here! I like how you did it. I had a really hard time finding some for our TTT.

    Ash @ JennRenee Read

  32. love these, Hilary's especially is pretty powerful

  33. Laini Taylor is such an incredible writer. I highly recommend Strange the Dreamer if you haven’t read it already! Great Quotes :)

  34. I didn't enjoy Daughter of Smoke and Bone as much as others did but that quote was great!

  35. Love these AJ! I especially adore that Blood and Starlight one. Lines like that made reading the book worth it. ❤️

  36. Love the Quotes from Three Things about Elsie and The Power. I've got The Power on audiobook and you're motivating me to start listening to it.

  37. Laini Taylor's books are all so beautifully written. :)

    Lauren @ Always Me

  38. For the After Zero quote my first thought would be breakfast. 😊
