Sunday, March 27, 2022

The Sunday Post #300

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The Sunday Post is a chance to recap the past week, talk about next week, tell you what I’m reading, and share news. It’s hosted by The Caffeinated Book ReviewerReaderbuzz, and Book Date.

The Sunday Post #300!

On The Blog Last Week

On The Blog This Week

  • On Tuesday, I try to predict which modern books will become classics.

In My Reading Life

Last week, I finished Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers. It was good. It sat on my shelf for years because it's a thick, intimidating historical fantasy book, and I don't always have the best luck with massive fantasy books. I'm glad I finally read it. It's about a teenage girl who has been blessed by Death. She's living at a convent and working as an assassin. Since she's so good as assassinating folks, the convent sends her to work for the royal family of Brittany. Their kingdom is being threatened by rogue family members and by the French army. Political intrigue and a love story ensue.

Normally, I hate the romances in young adult books because they're forced and over-the-top angsty, but this one is excellent! It's slow burn. The characters are cautious and sensible and (slowly) learn how to work together and trust each other. They both want to protect the Duchess of Brittany, but they have very different ideas about how to do it. They're both strong willed. I enjoyed seeing them work through their issues and get to know one another. It all seemed very natural. Their relationship actually makes sense! They weren't just hooking up because the author forced them to. I was a very happy reader.

I also like the magical elements of the story. The book leans more toward the historical genre than the fantasy genre. The magical elements aren't super complicated, so there isn't a giant learning curve like in other fantasy books. This one jumps right into the action.

I was less interested in the political intrigue, which is a giant part of the book. The secondary characters aren't developed enough for me to be fully invested in the backstabbing. I got a little bored with it. It didn't help that the biggest villain was obvious to me. I spent a lot of time impatiently waiting for the characters to see what I'd already figured out.

I'm on the fence about reading the sequel. If it followed the same main characters, I'd read it for sure. I really like them. It does not follow the same characters. I'm not sure if I'm interested enough in the world to keep going. Tell me what to do!

Right now, I'm listening to the audiobook of You by Caroline Kepnes. All the people who recommended the audiobook are correct: This story is much creepier when you can hear Joe's voice. He's talking directly to the reader and saying scary stuff. It's . . . an intense audiobook experience. This story is narrated by Joe, a stalker and murderer who becomes obsessed with a woman called Beck. He schemes up ways to insert himself into her life. This is a train-wreck novel. You know it will end badly for Beck, but you can't look away.

Also, this book will give you the urge to close the blinds on all your windows and never open them again.

In The Rest Of My Life

Five things that made me happy last week:

  1. This is my 300th Sunday Post! Can you believe I've written 300 of these things? That's a lot of Sundays and posts.
  2. Easter candy was on sale. The candy I bought won't survive until Easter because I'm already eating it.
  3. Speaking of food, I had BBQ takeout. There's a restaurant in my town that has won national awards for its BBQ, but it's so expensive that it's not a practical place to eat. I haven't had their food in years. I can confirm that it's still delicious.
  4. I finally restarted Spanish lessons. Week 1 went fine. I haven't had a Spanish lesson since I was 17, but I remembered more words than I thought I would.
  5. Who watched The Adam Project on Netflix? It's sweet and funny. Highly recommend.

I Demand Attention!

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Take care of yourselves and be kind to each other. See you around the blogosphere!


  1. Congratulations on 300 Sunday Posts. That's a lot. MMmm, now I want BBQ. Good luck with the Spanish, too.

  2. Wow! Three hundred Sunday Posts. I wonder how many Sunday Salons I’ve written. Let’s see…almost fourteen years…almost every Sunday…14 times 52…that’s a lot.

    I’m working on French. Coffee Break French plus Duolingo. I hope it’s enough to get me by when I arrive this week…

  3. Congrats on #300! Good job! I perked up when you mentioned Easter candy. I have been trying to have absolutely no snacks or desserts, and it's hard. I'm going to allow myself some chocolate on Easter as a reward, lol.

    I watched The Adam Project; it was a sweet movie. Jennifer Garner is good in every one of her works.
    I'm doing free French lessons online. I had done some a few years ago and also way back in high school, and it's amazing how much I retained. Hope your Spanish goes well.

    You looks too creepy to me, so no thanks!

  4. Easter candy is fun if it's like foil-wrapped bunnies or chocolate eggs or something, but the Easter-wrapped versions of normal candy (like M&Ms or York Patties) are just more expensive without any difference. I haven't bought any yet.

    best... mae at

  5. I'm kicking myself because I was on my lunch break when I last went to DG and therefore in a hurry so didn't stop to peruse the Easter candy. I still have plenty in the cabinet but wanted to replenish the pieces I've eaten. Maybe today I can do that.

    Mmm BBQ! Glad your local too-expensive-to-eat-there-regularly fave is still tasty! I need to visit our local place and see if I can say the same about it.

  6. BBQ and books, a perfect combination.

  7. I definitely want to see The Adam Project - it's just been so hard to find a chunk of time to watch a movie!

  8. Now I have to listen to the audiobook of You. It sounds so much better than just reading the book!

  9. 300??? WOW! Also I bet that audiobook would be creepy as hell!

  10. Congrats on 300 Sunday posts! Glad you finally tackled a book that's been sitting on your shelf for a while. As far as the sequel, when I am on the fence about continuing, I usually let it go and move on to something else. So many books, so little time...

    Have a great week!

  11. Loved The Adam Project yes!! Thought it was done very well. Ha, I am intrigued by Grave Mercy now. Okay, will take a look.

    I've tried to read YOU a couple of years ago. Couldn't get into it at all and never finished it. Watched a few episodes of the Netflix adaptation as well, couldn't get into it either. What's wrong with me???

    300 Sunday Posts... Gosh!! Well done! Here's to the next 300!!

    Have a good week AJ and take care!

    Elza Reads

  12. Happy 300th! I haven't had barbecue in ages.

    You know, I never read the sequels to Grave Mercy either, and I don't know why. I liked the book, but just... never continued. Maybe it's because, like you say, it's different characters?

  13. 300 posts are quite a bit! I am WAY behind ;) I hope you have a great week!

  14. Well I enjoyed all of Robin LaFevers trilogy and then the followup duology. I listened to it all on audio. I think I'd like to watch The Adam Project as Ryan Reynolds is fun.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  15. That's an accomplishment - 300 posts for Sunday salon! I have not seen the Adam Project but sounds interesting. So does Spanish lessons. I think I'm too old to start but it would be good for me in Florida.

  16. I loved The Adam Project! Ryan Reynolds is always great! And good luck on the Spanish lessons! I've been learning Japanese for almost 3 years, and it's just been so much fun!

  17. I've watched The Adam Project and really enjoyed it.

  18. Congrats on your 300th Sunday Salon! Just added The Adam Project to my list - thanks for the recommendation.

  19. 300 posts, Easter candy and good barbecue ... all cause for celebration!

  20. I am glad you liked Grave Mercy. It was a dream book to book talk. Mention Assassin and Nun in the same sentence and the book flies off the shelf. My Sunday Salon

  21. The meme made me laugh, I’m so glad not to be single in this day and age.
    I’m not sure I can bear politics right now, but otherwise Grave Mercy sounds good.

    Wishing you a great reading week

  22. Congrats on post 300!!

    Yeah, I broke into the Easter candy I had bought for Wyatt's basket.. I need to replace the jellybeans but maybe I should wait until closer to Easter now. Lol.

  23. That's great that you are starting up with Spanish lessons again! Learning a language is so good for the brain. And, congratulations on 300 Sunday Salons, very impressive!

  24. I had the sequel to Grave Mercy on my shelf for years before deciding not to read it. I didn't like the idea of switching to a character I didn't like in the first book. I haven't any Easter Candy yet because I don't want to eat any - yet. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  25. I'm so glad you enjoyed Grave Mercy! It's been on my radar since it came out but I've hesitated because it's not my usual genres and like you I'm not a fan of romance in YA. I might have to reconsider! I love Easter candy time! It's one of my favorite times of year. The caramel cadbury eggs are my favorite. Have a wonderful week!

  26. Hola, Señora... Congratulations on 300 posts. I wish there was good barbecue around here, but at least it's not that far from NC where they know how to cook a pig.

  27. Wow it's great that you are taking Spanish. what a great idea. How are you taking it? online? or in person? Have a great week.

  28. I saw the pig thing on twitter last week and laughed my butt off! lol

    We just finished watching season 3 of the Netflix adaptation of You, so I bet the audiobook is super creepy!! The show just gets weirder and weirder! Oh, and I want to see The Adam Project.

    My son LOVES huge fantasy novels - the bigger, the better!

    Hope you enjoy your books this week, too! Happy 300th Sunday post!

    Book By Book
