Sunday, August 9, 2020

The Sunday Post #236

The Sunday Post is a chance to recap the past week, talk about next week, tell you what I’m reading, and share news. It’s hosted by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, Readerbuzz, and Book Date.

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The Sunday Post #236

On The Blog Last Week

On The Blog This Week

  • On Tuesday we talk about classics that I think are worth reading.
  • On Thursday I (maybe?) answer some questions about books.

In My Reading Life

I finished my reread of the His Dark Materials trilogy! I loved these books when I was a kid, but I hadn’t reread them since I was 14ish. I was scared I would hate them. I didn’t! Rereading the series was tons of fun, and the books are still clever and creepy. If you’re not familiar with this series, it’s about two kids who can open doors to parallel universes. The worldbuilding is stunning. I love how distinct—yet believable—each of the universes are. The author is not kind to his characters. This series gets dark. I think that’s why I loved it as a kid.

I do have some criticisms that I didn’t notice as a teen. The beginnings of the first and third book are excruciatingly slow. Some events happen too easily or conveniently. Whenever the main character gets in trouble, someone shows up at the last second to save her. Those are minor criticisms. I highly recommend this series. I’m still deciding if I want to read the other books set in this world. If you’ve read them, are they good?

Right now, I’m reading Beartown by Fredrik Backman. Like all of Backman’s books, it’s excellent (so far). It’s about the fallout in a small Swedish town after a star hockey player rapes a teenage girl. It’s heartbreakingly realistic and has more humor than you’d expect.

Last week was a great reading week. I loved my books!

In The Rest Of My Life

Five things that made me happy last week:

  1. Readathons! I’m doing #BookHiBearNation and #ReverseReadathon. I’m very tired. I love seeing what everyone is reading on Twitter and Instagram, though.
  2. Hockey is back! I have complicated feelings about sports during a pandemic, but I can’t deny that I’m thoroughly enjoying the NHL playoffs.
  3. I have Netflix now! I can listen to The Great British Bake Off / Baking Show while writing blog posts. I’ve already seen every episode of that show, so I don’t have to pay close attention to it. I can blog and look at pretty food at the same time.
  4. Pizza and M&Ms.
  5. My dog is getting groomed this week. I’m looking forward to it because she’s gross! Why do dogs have to roll in disgusting things? And why do they expect us to pet them afterward?

I follow back!

Take care of yourselves and be kind to each other! See you around the blogosphere!


  1. My one experience with Backman was wonderful, and I even got a co-worker hooked on his books. I need to read more of them. How wonderful that a childhood favorite held up after many years. I worry about revisiting and "ruining" what I had.

  2. Welcome to the Netflix family! =P It has been a while since I ate pizza.

    Happy readings!
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

  3. It's always so satisfying when a childhood favorite holds up over time and is just as meaningful in adulthood. And a big YES for hockey! I have positively OD'd on it this week. :)

  4. I love (no, I LOVE) the Great British Bakeoff. I've seen every episode and I wouldn't mind going back and watching them all over again.

    I am curious to see your list of classics worth reading. That would make a great Top Ten Tuesday prompt.

    I only read book one of Dark Materials (I hardly ever read past book one of a series...I can't tell you why). It was a great read. I remember recommending it to the upper elementary teacher at the Montessori school where I was a librarian and she read it to her class with great results. One non-reader got a copy of it when she finished and turned into a reader. That's always lovely.

    I hope you have a good week.

  5. I love the Great British Baking Show!

    Wishing you a great reading week

  6. Yay for Netflix! We love to watch the Great British Baking Show. I find it so soothing. Lol. I am glad that you loved your books. :)

  7. Pizza and M&Ms - sounds like my husband's idea of a Tuesday night! I still have a couple more seasons of Baking Show to watch - we were taking a little break because we watched like 4 seasons back to back.

  8. Oh yes - I love the Great British Bakeoff. Luckily they are always doing reruns, because I tend to forget who won, so I dip in and out when I want a comfort watch:)). And I feel your pain regarding dogs - our staffie used to roll in the fox poo in the garden... The only good thing is they have very thin coats, but it was a nightmare getting rid of the smell! Have a great week, AJ

  9. I'm glad a childhood favorite lived up to your expectations! That is always a risky endeavor!

  10. Yay for having Netflix! I'm glad you had an awesome reading week. Mine was good too, though I didn't get a TON read.


  11. Hockey! I love it so much. I spent all week watching it. I have Beartown but haven't read it yet. I'll have to make some time.


  12. Its so fun re reading books from when you were younger especially as a teenager or child. I love those books that stand the test of time.

    Hope you have a good week.

  13. I love the GBBO! I’m watching the professionalisms version just now, the creations are amazing.

    Have a lovely week!

  14. Yum, pizza, a great go-to. Have a good week.

  15. I do love Netflix. I alternate between it and Hulu...and also Amazon Prime. I've been on lockdown for a long while. LOL.

    I want to read more from Backman...I loved Ove, and I have his book about the grandmother's apology on my Kindle. (I can never remember that title! LOL).

    Enjoy your week and your books, and here are my WEEKLY UPDATES

  16. We have Netflix. My daughter watches it. She plays some bakeoff stuff for me sometimes. She's watching Hell's Kitchen right now which I think is on Prime. I never seem to know about Readathons until they are happening or are already over. I mean I'm reading every day anyway. I want to take a day off and read this week.

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

  17. I'm glad you're enjoying Beartown. I was nervous I wouldn't like it because I know nothing about hockey, but the story really pulled me in. Yay for Netflix. I've been watching Good Girls and Riverdale on there. I haven't tried the baking show yet but it's in my watch list. :)

  18. Atreyu! Sorry, couldn't resist, that just came to mind when I saw your post images. Anyway, yay for Netflix! And pizza. And hockey.

  19. Now I want pizza and M&Ms. Ha ha. 😁

    Great to hear your books have been A+ recently. Mine have been, too. 👍✨

    Have a wonderful week. 🌞

  20. I love it when rereading still sparks the same enjoyment I had of it when I was younger. It's really disappointing when that doesn't happen. I never have read The Dark Materials novels, but I have wanted to for years now. I guess I should change that. I have Bear Town on my list to read. I am glad you are enjoying it! Backman has a new one that sounds really good too that I am looking forward to reading. Anxious People, I think it's called.

    I watch Netflix and blog too. :-) I hope you have a great week, AJ. Happy reading.

  21. Yeah, why do dogs roll in disgusting things! Have a good week.

  22. I need to read Beartown! You always remind me of the books I forget about on my TBR, haha. Your posts for this week sound interesting. I'm looking forward to reading them! Have a great week!

  23. Yay for rereading, pizza and M&Ms, and taking part in readathons - sounds like a great week!

    Happy reading & a lovely week to you!

  24. That meme is so true!

    I loved His Dark Materials as a teenagers as well. I watched the first season of the adaptation a couple of months ago and it made me want to reread the books as well. Happy to know you still enjoyed them!
    Beartown has been on my reading list for ages, it does sound excellent!

    Have a great week!

  25. I'm really grateful that I have a small short-hair terrier for a dog. We wash her in the sink every few weeks because she LOVES to roll around in stinky stuff outside. Lol. I have the doggy day care clip her nails for us.

  26. Oh, forgot to add that I also loved the His Dark Materials series as a kid and I do want to re-read them someday. Maybe I can get to that next year.

  27. I'm glad you enjoyed your Pullman reread. I read them when I was younger too. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  28. Me @ your post image: �� Isn't it true though! I mean I think my reading goals have had some success with a lack of um, anything else to do, but otherwise... Interesting that you read HDM! I also was kind of scared to, mostly because I feel like I won't enjoy them, and I'm pretty happy with how I liked them as a kid. I also have been meaning to read the newer trilogy since the first book but also don't think that will happen anytime soon.

  29. I need to stalk you to figure out all the hip readathons!

  30. I did read the trilogy but I'm afraid I didn't like it much so I wouldn't read anything else in that world! The first book was ok but I didn't like the other two. But I'm glad you enjoyed your re-read. It always feels risky going back to books we read years ago!
