Sunday, May 10, 2020

The Sunday Post #223

The Sunday Post is a chance to recap the past week, talk about next week, tell you what I’m reading, and share news. I’m linking up with The Caffeinated Book ReviewerReaderbuzz, and Book Date. 

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The Sunday Post #223

On The Blog Last Week

On The Blog This Week

  • On Wednesday I show you more new releases.
  • On Friday I do the Stay At Home Tag.

In My Reading Life

I did it! I finished Bridge of Clay by Markus Zusak. He’s one of my favorite authors, but I didn’t like this book. I should have listened to my instincts and DNFed. It’s very long, very slow, and lacking suspense because the beginning of the book tells you most of what’s going to happen. The author has a unique writing style. It’s poetic. I occasionally got frustrated with the writing, though. I just wanted to know what was happening and why I should care so we could move on to something more interesting! I did love the premise and setting of the story. It’s about five brothers who live together in the “racing district” of a town in Australia. The town is vivid and well-developed. The story is about what happens when the brothers’ criminal father returns to their home.

Right now, I’m reading another horse racing book. (This was a total coincidence.) It’s The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater. It’s okay so far. I’m not invested in the characters yet, but I’m curious about the evil supernatural horses that crawl out of the ocean to eat humans.

In The Rest Of My Life

Five things that made me happy last week:

  1. Nachos!
  2. Seeing deer on my runs. There are so many deer. And so many squirrels.
  3. Sitting outside. It’s finally getting warm enough to read outdoors.
  4. I figured out what to get my mom for Mother’s Day, but since it’s not an essential item, the store won’t ship it until May 24. So . . . oops.
  5. I might be getting free access to Hulu for a limited time. What should I watch?

Let’s Be Friends (From Far, Far Away)

Take care of yourselves and be kind to each other! See you around the blogosphere!


  1. Way to push through that book. You are a better reader than I. I would have DNFed. You always have the best food. Love nachos! Though, I did hit up the Qdoba on Tuesday, and was happy to have some tacos again. We can give our moms they late mother's day gifts together. I just ordered mine yesterday, because I lost the bookmark, and couldn't find the item again.

  2. It is amazing to see all the wild animals coming out during this dark time and getting closer, isn´t it. On the other hand I have now to keep my mouth shut when I am out and running *lol* There are so many small insects in the air now ... and as amazing as it is, I don´t want them in my throat *lol* Stay safe, well and happy reading. And happy mother´s day to you.

  3. I love Hulu! There are so many great things streaming there. I recently finished viewing Little Fires Everywhere, based on the book.

    Normal People, also based on a book, is there. And Mrs. America, with Cate Blanchett portraying Phyllis Schlafly. About the ERA battle.


    Here are my WEEKLY UPDATES

  4. I totally missed when you changed your blog design! I like it! :)

    Nachos...I miss those, I need to get all the stuff for it next grocery trip. My daughter is obessed with them.

    I never got a chance to get my mom anything but I will and it will be late, like always lol I stink at being on time for stuff.

    I hope you have a great week, AJ! Stay Safe and Happy Reading! xx

  5. Have you read The Messenger by Zusak? I may have liked it more than Book Thief. And you have convinced me to skip his latest.

    I'm hopeful that I can get together with my son and his family for a little while next week. I asked them to wait until I was sure my cough was gone.

    I've heard oodles of people rave about Scorpio Races. I've never read it, though, so I can't give my two cents.

    Have a great week!

  6. Nachos have been making me very happy lately as well. My mom's gifts aren't arriving on time either. I hope you have a great week.

  7. OOH, nachos! That sounds amazing. I may do that later. :)

    I too am looking forward to being able to read outside. Currently, it's colder here than it was on Christmas (THANKS, WEATHER), but Thursday (after, you know, it thunderstorms, because why not???) seems to be the weather turnaround for us. I'm looking forward to being able to throw down a picnic blanket and go through my daughter's schoolwork out there, instead of cramped up in the house. :)

    Have a great week! :)

  8. We were having so many issues trying to get a Mother's Day gift sent to my mother-in-law! The one flower place wouldn't deliver until after today, and the prices on every site just seemed to be out of control.

  9. Nachos are always a cause for joy! Much luck with Scorpio Races. It wasn't my cup of tea, but all readers are different. Stay well and have a great week!

  10. I too like Marcus' work but couldn't get through this last one. Ah well.. Maggie Steifwater books are great. I don't like much fantasy but hers are off the chart.

  11. I LOVED Scorpio Races ! I listened on audio and it's two of my very favorite narrators.

    Take care and happy reading!

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

  12. If I am really finding a book slow and not to my liking, regardless of recommendations, I give up and start something new. Good for you for persevering! I like the idea of thinking of 5 things that made you happy last week. Nachos would make me happy too. I ordered gifts for my two daughter-in laws and they won't arrive until 3rd week in May either. I think we are realizing that the times, they are a changing.

  13. I recall seeing lots of deers in Colordao when we visited years ago AJ! And my mom will have to wait for her gift too...

  14. Oh, I would have DNF'd The Bridge of Clay - too many good books out there and too little time to read something I dislike:)). I enjoyed The Scorpio Races - the audio version is one of the books I have vividly remembered from last year. I think the worldbuilding is fabulous and I love the horses and the writing about the island - some of the protagonists, not so much... I look forward to hearing your views on it. Have a great week, AJ - and stay safe.

  15. I'm loving seeing the wildlife in my backyard lately. Watching wildlife is one of my favorite activities! :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  16. I love your opening picture, but I'm not bored enough yet to take up dueling as an acceptable "distancing" activity!

  17. Dueling! Ha that made me smile. :)

    Nachos- yum. I ant nachos now...

    I had a few free Hulu trials (it would expire and they would keep sending them to me). I can't remember what I watched though- 12 Monkeys was pretty good (the show, not the movie) if you like science fiction at all. I think I watched that stephen King show too maybe? Castle Town or something like that?

  18. Congratulations on finishing Bridge of Clay. I have trouble giving up on a book, so I get it.

    I'm sure your mom won't mind getting her gift a little late.

  19. Yummy for nachos! Now I want some :) I love reading outside. Have a great week!

  20. Mmm...nachos sound good! I like to read outside too, so it definitely needs to warm up more. It's been pretty cold, windy, rainy here and I need that to stop. haha


  21. I'm sorry you did not enjoy Bridge of Clay. Congratulations on getting through it! Sometimes it is hard to know when to give up on a book. Some books turn out to be worth reading in the end, and it makes it mostly worth it. Other times, not so much.

    Yay for nachos! I hope your mother enjoys her Mother's Day present. I got my mother and mother-in-law flowers that were delivered yesterday. Maybe not the most original gift, but they really do not need anything, and it was a way to support local businesses in the cities where they live.

    I hope you have a good week. Stay safe and well.

  22. I've heard great things about The Scorpio Races! I hope you end up enjoying it! And hurray for nachos! I miss cheese. :( My mom's Mother's Day gift is going to be late too. Haha!

  23. I was worried my mother's gift wouldn't get there on time (and I know she wouldn't have minded) but was thrilled when they managed to deliver it today after all. Nachos are a favorite here, too. Have a good week.

  24. That graphic made me laugh so much, I love it! I am really hesitant to ever try Bridge of Clay tbh. I had been a little iffy about it because well, it's huge and the premise underwhelms me, but now that you say it's a slog I am REALLY not thrilled hah. I liked The Scorpio Races. Didn't love, but liked. Which I think places me in the minority because most people freaking adore it so I hope you end up being one of them! Also YAY NACHOS I love them so much now I want nachos.

  25. Nachos! Yes, please. Our local Chinese finally opened up for no contact pick-up/deliver and I think the whole town ordered. It took an hour to get our food, but it was worth it Have a great week.

  26. I think I have Bridge of Clay somewhere on my shelves. I don't think I am going to be trying to pick it up anytime soon. I could definitely get behind some nachos. I may have to make some soon. I hope your mom is okay with waiting a bit for her gift. I hope you have a great week!

  27. I love the picture! Not sure how much fun it'll be for the loser though! I've seen some mixed reviews on The Scorpio Races-I think it would be a bit slow for me.

  28. Mmm nachos. We have been making some fantastic nachos here in our confinement. Lol. And I am loving all the springtime wildlife. My mom has a cute little squirrel family living in one of her trees and we were having fun watching them yesterday, playing around. The momma squirrel was anxiously watching from her "doorway". (and my mom and I were like 15 feet apart, sadly but good as well)

    I will have to check out the Stay at Home tag!

  29. I am not a fan of Marcus Zusak. I DNFd the only one I tried. I am not a patient reader and need the author to get on with the story. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  30. I have a hard time DNFing a book but I've learned that if I'm not feeling it, I shouldn't waste my precious reading time. There are too many wonderful books to read! I hope you can stop by:


  31. I haven't read anything by Markus Zusak except for The Book Thief. I enjoyed that but it was definitely SLOW. None of his other books have appealed to me, to be honest. Also, I see deer all the time where I live but I never get over it and I LOVE them! They are so cute.

  32. I haven't read anything by Markus Zakus so bummer that your favorite churned out a dud.

  33. Sorry to hear Bridge of Clay. I've had a copy staring at me for a while, but seeing as I didn't care for The Book Thief, either, I'm starting to think I should just give it to someone else who might enjoy it, haha. I'm really curious about The Scorpion Races, too, it's one I've been meaning to read for years. I would be so happy to see deers while I'm out--we get lots of squirrels near my apartment, but that's about the extent of the wildlife we get, haha. Hulu is nice to have! If you like animated movies and haven't seen it, The Missing Link is a really cute adventure/explorer one that I definitely recommend. :)

  34. We don’t have access to Hulu in Australia, but I’m pretty sure Little Fires Everywhere is on it, and Normal People -which I enjoyed.

    Wishing you a great reading week, stay well x

  35. I have a hard time listening to my instincts and DNFing a book - especially if it's one I expected to like so I completely understand. I ended up talking myself into DNFing a book in a series where I had really enjoyed the first book and was proud of myself. It's been such a relief not to have to pick that book up anymore! Nachos are always a good thing and I love seeing deer on any outdoor outing. Hope you're having a great week!
