Sunday, February 23, 2020

The Sunday Post #213

The Sunday Post is a chance to recap the past week, talk about next week, tell you what I’m reading, and share news. I’m linking up with The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, Readerbuzz, and Book Date. 

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The Sunday Post #213

Public Service Announcement

Yes, the blog looks different! I’m in the process of giving it a makeover. Let me know if anything looks weird, broken, confusing, etc. I’ll fix it. Hopefully. The makeover has been stressful. I can’t figure out how to change the beige color of the sidebar --->. The blog somehow just decided to be that color. Maybe it’s part of the template? I don’t know! Also, I’ve discovered that one (or both) of my computers are lying to me. On my crappy computer, the sidebar color is a tolerable tan. On my slightly less crappy computer, the color is . . . vile. If I had to name it, I’d go with “waterlogged corpse” or “Uncle Jud’s weird foot callus.”

Anyway, this is a long-winded way of saying, “let me know what looks weird so I can maybe fix it or maybe obsess over it for all eternity.”

On The Blog Last Week

On The Blog This Week

  • On Wednesday I show you some March book releases I’m excited about.
  • On Saturday there’s another book haul.

In My Reading Life

Last week, I finished 0 books. This is Pondathon Readathon’s fault. I was reading Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. It’s not a bad book. I’m interested in the setting and characters. But, it’s not exactly a page turner. The new Pondathon quest requires me to read a lot of pages, so I switched to Wundersmith: The Calling of Morrigan Crow by Jessica Townsend. This one is definitely a page turner. It’s not as funny as the first book in the series, but I love it so far. The bizarre world reminds me of the excitement I felt while reading Harry Potter as a teen. It’s one of those fantasy books where anything can happen. Also, some of my questions are finally getting answered!

In The Rest Of My Life

Five things that made me happy last week:

  1. Wundersmith is very entertaining.
  2. Baby Brooklyn’s birthday! We ate colorful cake, and she got more toys that we don’t have space for. Fun times.
  3. I sorted out my TBR Pinterest board. It’s been a disaster for a while. I ended up adding 51 books to my board. You book people are a bad influence!
  4. I did a democracy. I voted in the primaries. I can’t tell you who I voted for because then it won’t come true. (I’m pretty sure elections work the same way as birthday wishes?) But, I voted for one of the ladies.
  5. Crispy survived another Pondathon quest!

My Pinterest is pretty cool

Take care of yourselves and be kind to each other! See you around the blogosphere!


  1. The blog certainly looks a lot brighter with the new look! I'm not really into historical figures personally but it suits your blog and I think it looks good! I'm afraid I know nothing about computers so I can't help you with the colour issue, sorry!

  2. Everything looks fine by me AJ! More than fine truly! I love the "Victorian" or late 19th century feels that it gives. Honest! And you made me smile with your analogy to wishes ...

  3. I like the new look! Your color names are also hilarious. Lol.

    Happy first birthday to Brooklyn!

  4. How fun! I thought things looked a little different. I LOVE it! Things looks beautiful on my end. I hope that you enjoy all of your reads this week. :)

  5. Look at all this color!!!! I love the header, and I guess I see tolerable tan (so subjective). It's amazing how many toys we give to our young. I hope Brooklyn plays with them and not just the boxes (like my kid did).

  6. I think your blog looks fabulous. The colors are perfect and the header is very nice.

    The truth is that Americanah is my least favorite book by Adichie. It struck me as too preachy.

    I early-voted this week. Choosing was difficult for me.

    Have a lovely week!

  7. I’m liking the Gold and tan on my iPad.
    Glad I’m not the only one who read nothing this past week!

    Wishing you a better reading week!

  8. Yay for democracy :) I'm voting for one of the ladies as well. I need to early vote soon since I'll be working at the polls in next month's primaries.

  9. The tan looks nice on my computer---like an old-fashioned parchment? I think it works, so you should just try to turn your brain off if you can't change it. :-)

    I am SO torn about who I'm going to vote for in the primary. Like, there are honestly a few candidates I'd be pretty happy with (and a couple I would really prefer do NOT win). I really just desperately don't want four more years of Trump, but I'm feeling sort of hopeless about that some days. Sigh. Okay, I'm done.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  10. Still howling at Uncle Jud's weird foot callus. I think Crayola should hire you to name all their crayons. Loving the new, more colorful look. Glad the birthday went well. And more Crispy Batter success!

  11. Good luck with the blog makeover! Those are always so much fun. Wundersmith sounds fantastic!And congratulations on voting, that is so important. I hope you have a wonderful week.

  12. I love the new look for your blog! One of these days, I will get around to doing something with mine. I cannot believe that the baby is already a year old! It sounds like you got a lot of reading done even if you didn't finish a book. I hope you have a great week!

  13. Happy birthday Brooklyn! I want cake. I know someone who had a toy net they hung up in the corner of the room for stuffed toys.

    Book people are the best influence. Our voting is Super Tuesday but we do have early Tuesday. I also like the ladies. :) I don't need more old white men making decisions.

    Have a great week! Happy reading!

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

  14. YOUR BLOG CHANGED! I love it! How is Brooklyn already having a birthday?? Time flies! Have a great week!

  15. I really like the new header! Very cool. I have my TBR on Pinterest, too, but it's not nearly as organized as yours!

  16. The blog looks great! I'd call the color "light aged leather" personally and think it looks good! Have a great week!

  17. I like the new look, although I'm with you on the hassles of such things. I'm not super tech savvy so whenever I make a change something bad seems to happen haha. Which then motivates me to NOT make changes for a while! Still, your blog looks good!

    I like the women candidates in the primaries as well. Warren or Klobuchar would be a big improvement I'm thinking.

    Go Crispy!! :)

  18. I started on Pinterest years ago and never kept at it. I just can't keep up with everything.

    Our primary is Saturday and I'm not sure who I'll vote for but I am leaning towards a female.

  19. Love the look here! Very stylish! I totally get you - blog makeovers are stressful. Very much so. I have to muster up enough incentive if I have to go through one. I'm very good at telling myself that everyone reads on Feedly anyways and stops by only to comment, so that's literally the only part of the blog that's important, lol! (No, I'm just kidding.)

  20. I love your new blog look! Very nice. Happy Birthday to Brooklyn! Have a great week!

  21. I do love the look of your blog, and the tan has a pleasant leather-like look. Everything looks fresh and new. Thanks for sharing.

    And...thanks for visiting my blog, which is constantly undergoing makeovers. LOL

  22. The sidebar is a pleasant color on my laptop. My weekly update

  23. I need to change my blog. It's been pretty much the same for years and years, but the thought terrifies me. Good luck with your continuing makeover.

  24. I'm liking the new blog look. It's kind of a goldish color for me. Happy birthday to Brooklyn!!


  25. Good job doing a democracy! I really hope people get out to vote!! I'm in Michigan, so our primary isn't til March 10. I work the elections, so I'll have to vote by absentee ballot before that day. Enjoy your week, and have fun with the blog makeover!

  26. I too have a nice tan color. I know I need to update my template but I'm just too afraid of what will break if I try to change.

  27. I can't believe the baby is a year old. I remember when she was born. I think the blog looks fine but I love your color names. I remember when I was a teen saying I wanted a job naming nail polish colors - you would totally beat me in that department.

  28. Your blog looks great. *.* I also decided to give mine a makeover - I was able to fix some code issues, but I ended up asking for help to add the "related posts" code (I was obsessing over it, so I decided to hire someone on Fiverr before losing my mind).

    Happy belated birthday to Brooklyn.

    Happy readings!
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

  29. I like the new look.
    Our primary isn't until mid-March. I know who I'm voting for. Sometimes I feel like I should vote the opposite of who I want because my picks never seem to win.

  30. The new layout looks great. The sidebar doesn't look a bad colour to me. I'm not familiar with blogger templates so no advice from me I'm afraid.

  31. Lol! I have no idea what a “waterlogged corpse” or “Uncle Jud’s weird foot callus" looks like so I don't know which type I'm seeing in the sidebar lol.
    Wundersmith is such fun. Weirdly, I like it more than Nevermoor and I agree that if gives me similar feels to discovering the Harry Potter world for the first time.

  32. I loved your post looks neat, organized and bright. Happy first birthday to Brooklyn! the tan has a pleasant leather-like look. Everything looks fresh and new. I too need to have some changes in my Pinterest account need some sorting. Thanks for sharing. Happy Reading!!! Great Week ahead��

  33. Funny side of technology. It is useful but when crappy one actually feel like hitting the head with the keyboard. Had some time to read your other blogs linked here. It was an interesting read. I suggest you need to take computer lessons.
