Sunday, April 16, 2023

The Sunday Post #332

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The Sunday Post is a chance to recap the past week, talk about next week, tell you what I’m reading, and share news. It’s hosted by The Caffeinated Book ReviewerReaderbuzz, and Book Date.

The Sunday Post #332

On The Blog Recently

In My Reading Life

I read a satirical horror book and liked it a lot! It was The Southern Book Club's Guide To Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix, and it's just as weird and funny as it sounds. The story follows Patricia, a wife and mother. From the outside, she seems like a proper Southern lady, but she's keeping a secret. She's involved in a true crime book club and loves gory literature. Then, a strange young man moves to town and shows an interest in her club. Odd things start happening to the local children and animals. Is the man a vampire, or are all the spooky books warping the minds of the book club members?

If you love horror or true crime, this is a fun novel. The book club ladies read the classics of those genres. Their opinions on familiar books are hilarious. It's also interesting to watch them lie about what they're reading. It's not proper for ladies to read gory books. One of the book club members tells her husband she's in a Bible study group. Patricia tells the vampire she's reading a book about a "small Guyanese village." She means Jonestown. She's reading about the Jonestown mass murder.

On the surface, this is a campy novel about slaying vampires. If you want to look deeper, it's social satire. The real villain isn't the vampire. It's the rigid social hierarchy of the early 1990s American South. The people with all the power are the white male business owners. Everybody else is expected to support them fully and not cause disruptions or ask questions. The men love the vampire because he's a great business consultant. He's helping them make money. The vampire is putting money in the pockets of powerful people while literally sucking the life out of women, children, poor people, and people of color. When Patricia points out the damage that the vampire has caused, her husband makes excuses and calls her crazy. The vampire is good for him. He refuses to look at the world from anyone else's perspective.

This book shows that you can't always rely on powerful people to solve your problems. Sometimes you have to break out of the role society has given you and slay the vampire yourself.

In The Rest Of My Life

Five things that made me happy recently:

  1. I'm back at full-time work. I'm already completely exhausted, but I have a new supervisor, and he's very patient. I think I'll be okay.
  2. I've managed to keep up with my fitness routine pretty well. I feel like I'm a terrible adult. I don't understand how people get enough sleep and exercise when they have kids and a job.
  3. If you celebrated Easter, I hope it was a good one! Baby Brooklyn had fun on her egg hunt. I had fun eating the candy she found on her egg hunt.
  4. Chocolate pie!
  5. New episodes of Love Is Blind on Netflix. If you like trash TV, you need to watch this show.

Listen To Me Whine About How Tired I Am

Take care of yourselves and be kind to each other. See you around the blogosphere!


  1. Thanks for the tip re Love is Blind. I like trash tv every once in a while.

  2. Trust me. I can barely keep my life together at this point. Lol. If you think we have it together, it's because we're all really good actors! 😂

  3. It's a sad day when the kids outgrow all the candy holidays and I have no cover or source for my sweets. Glad to hear the new supervisor is patient. It helps to have good support from leadership.

  4. I don't know how people blog who have work and kids. I had one of these for ten of the years I blogged, but now I have neither.

    I'm glad your new supervisor is understanding. I hope all goes well for you!

  5. Haha, it's either sleep or exercise for me these days! Unless I can get it in between finishing work and picking up Henry. By the time he goes to bed, I'm too tired to do anything.

  6. So glad you have a new, patient supervisor at work - it makes all the difference! And I think being tired goes with having children - now our grandsons are living with us, even though they are very independent in many ways - we are still a bit shocked at how tired we get! Have a great week, AJ

  7. I never even considered reading The Southern Book Club's Guide To Slaying Vampires, but now I just might!

  8. I've always wanted to read The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires and it sounds awesome. Exercise with work and kids, now add pets. Actually they usually help because they can help with the exercise. But it's exhausting for sure.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  9. Oh Chocolate Pie is a favorite of mine!! :) Have a great week!

    Week in Review

  10. I need to get back into exercising myself. My goal this year was to lose some weight, but I haven't been successful on that front. And I really love that picture of the skeleton in a fairy suit!

    Here’s my Sunday Post

    Please join the Book Photo Sundays and Cover Spotlight

    Rabbit Ears Book Blog: WORLD’S WEIRDEST BOOK BLOG!

  11. Southern sounds so fun but I like the undercurrent of social commentary as well. Plus it just sounds fun.

    I honestly think society requires too much of us, which is why we're always tired/ stressed. How are we supposed to do all this crap in one day lol?

  12. I'm going to check out Love is Blind. It's been a while since I've watched trash TV. Have a great week!

  13. I enjoyed your book review, and liked hearing about a book that makes a point that is unfortunately still true about how society runs and who benefits.

    best, mae at

  14. It's truly a challenge to fit everything in a day and not be exhausted - no matter how many tugs on your time you have. Work, hobbies, kids, health, cooking, relaxing w/ kids/partner, AND blogging - it's almost impossible.....and yet we all keep trying. :) Hope you have a terrific week.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  15. I loved The Southern Book Club! Grady Hendrix never disappoints:-)

  16. I don't know how I keep up with sleep, work, exercise, and my blog, and I am single with no kids. My hat is definitely off to you for doing it all with kids, too.

  17. Interesting sounding book. I've seen it around and been tempted. I can see it is hard to have a full-time job and exercise too. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  18. I love Grady Hendrix!! All of his books are like that and they are so good. Looking forward to your park ranger posts!
