Sunday, April 2, 2023

The Sunday Post #331

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The Sunday Post is a chance to recap the past week, talk about next week, tell you what I’m reading, and share news. It’s hosted by The Caffeinated Book ReviewerReaderbuzz, and Book Date.

The Sunday Post #331

On The Blog Recently

In My Reading Life

I have given up on Henry James. I attempted to read The Beast In The Jungle and The Jolly Corner. I made it about halfway through both of them. They're just so rambley! Why do these books have so many words when nothing is happening! I couldn't take it anymore. (My laptop is insisting that "rambley" is not a word, but I don't care. Henry James bored me so deeply that the English language doesn't have a word to describe it.)

Then I read The Downstairs Girl by Stacey Lee. This one went much better! It's historical fiction about Jo, a Chinese American teenager who lives in a tunnel under the house of a wealthy family. During the day, she works as a maid for a cruel woman. At night, she writes an advice column for a newspaper. Her column is the talk of Atlanta, but she worries she'll lose her job if anyone discovers she's Chinese. Her bosses don't even know her real identity.

I love how full Jo's life is. Most real humans have complicated lives, and Jo does too. We get to see her work multiple jobs and form relationships with many different people. She's interested in horses and the suffragist movement. She's trying to improve her English. She has a crush on a fellow journalist, but she can't let him know her identity. There's also family drama. It's a lot! (In a good way.) Jo's a fascinating character to read about because she has so much going on. I wanted her to succeed and have an awesome life.

I listened to the audiobook version of this novel, and it got on my nerves. It sounded like the narrator was shouting the dialogue and whispering the exposition. I usually listen to audiobooks while walking to stores. I had to turn it up really loud to hear over traffic. Then the shouty parts exploded my ears. It was annoying.

If you love historical fiction, then this is a good one. It has a compelling character and a ton of entertaining plotlines. Just don't listen to the audiobook near traffic.

In The Rest Of My Life

Five things that made me happy last week:

  1. I'm still playing The Sims 4. I made a vampire coven. They live underground on a tropical island. I don't understand how their underground house doesn't flood because it's literally right on the beach, but video games don't have to make sense. I'm having fun.
  2. Who watched Love Is Blind on Netflix? It's my newest trashy reality TV obsession. Also, I'd love to date a guy with a wall between us. We could talk, and I wouldn't have to wear fancy pants. Dating in comfy pants is the dream.
  3. I start working full time again on Tuesday. I'm not looking forward to the stress that comes with being a park ranger, but I need those full-time + overtime paychecks. Summer is time to grind.
  4. Going for walks. It's still snowy here, but I managed to get out of the house a few times and wander around.
  5. Candy! The Easter candy is out. Watch me eat all of it.

Sometimes I Think Things

Take care of yourselves and be kind to each other. See you around the blogosphere!


  1. The Downstairs Girl sounds really good!! I will have to add that to my list.

    One of my friends was just telling us to watch Love is Blind. Lol.

  2. I am also tired of not being a millionaire. I feel you there. Good luck with going back to full-time work. Paychecks are great, but full-time is not. Someone was just talking about The Sims and solving a mystery. This game has many layers.

  3. It's been a while since I've read a good historical fiction, so maybe I'll look for The Downstairs Girl.

    Audiobooks sometimes get on my nerves, too. In the last one, one of the readers (there were a couple) kept mispronouncing "Karankawas," and it's one of the words in the title of the book. And in the book before that, the reader screamed out the sound the birds made, and it startled me every time.

  4. Yes - best of luck with returning to full-time work. I am now officially retired on the grounds of ill health and know that I won't ever return to the classroom, which is sort of sad as I loved my teaching gig. But it gives me more time to focus on my writing career as I steadily regain my health and strength. And we now have our grandsons staying with us, so working from home is a far better option, anyway. I hope the coming week is a kind one, AJ:).

  5. I hope this coming season of work is a good one (I look forward to the stories!) and wonder if it will be easier since you've done it before.

    I also liked the Downstairs Girl so am glad to hear you enjoyed it. It covered a time and issues that I didn't know much about.

  6. I'll try to read The Downstairs Girl as the plot sounds different and intriguing. I rarely have the time to listen to audio as I'm moving around too much to pay attention.

  7. I gave up on reading Dante's Inferno for similar reasons. I want to read The Downstairs Girl! I need to watch Love is Blind, that does sound like the perfect way to date for me, lol. I wish I had Sims 4, but I also know from last time I had The Sims that it would take away so much of my blogging and reading time, and I'd never probably get back to writing, which I need to do. Hope you have a good week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

  8. The weather was nice here yesterday and I got in a 2 1/2 mile walk, it was great!! Have a wonderful week, enjoy getting back into the swing of working.

  9. Good luck with starting up again! Hopefully the patrons will behave this year. And the Sims 4 plus vampires? That sounds fun!

  10. Haha! Henry James can be quite a windbag, can't he? Glad the historical fiction is working out better. I sometimes have a problem walking with audiobooks, too... especially on one of the busier street. It seems like I am constantly adjusting the volume when big trucks go by!

  11. I listen to LOTS of audiobooks even while mowing the lawn so I have gotten used to them but I also know the narrators who are talented. I hope the transition back to work goes well for you!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  12. The Downstairs Girl sounds really interesting - I'm off to check it out. Good luck on your work days..... Hope you have a terrific week.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  13. I still need to play the Sims games at some point.

    Here’s my Sunday Post

    And my Sunday Watch for movie and TV fans!

    Rabbit Ears Book Blog: WORLD’S WEIRDEST BOOK BLOG!

  14. Yay for Easter candy! I managed to avert my eyes when at Walmart earlier today but the temptation is there. I think rambley is a perfectly good word and very descriptive. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  15. The Downstairs Girl sounds really good. Good luck with the job. Have a great week!

  16. Made me chuckle over the poor narration of the. audio, so annoying. Wow I didn't know you work as a park ranger, sounds like you aren't looking forward to it, but I would guess important work.

  17. I hope your time as a park ranger goes much better for you.this season.

  18. Well, at least you don't have to waste your time with that author anymore! And those are some really great pluses, especially the candy being out! Thanks for stopping by! Happy reading!

  19. Being a multimillionaire would make some things so much easier! I haven't played The Sims in so long but it's so fun! I love the sound of your vampire coven! I hope you're having a great week.
