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There's something about the way they watch me that I just don't trust . . . |
The Sunday
Post is hosted by The Caffeinated Book
Reviewer. It’s a chance to recap
the past week, talk about next week, and share news. It’s Monday, What Are You
Reading? is hosted by Book Date. I get to tell you what I’ve read recently.
On The Blog Last Week
- On Tuesday I showed you some books I recently added to my wish list.
- On Thursday we discussed the best books I read in the first half of 2018.
- On Saturday I reviewed two classic short story collections.
On The Blog This Week
- On Tuesday I blather about my favorite short stories of all time.
- On Thursday I blather about watery places and the afterlife.
- On Saturday I review some Newbery winners.
In My Reading Life
week, I finished The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by
Mackenzi Lee. I mostly loved it. There are a few moments where the plot
gets way too convenient for the characters, but I like the adventure and the
Then I
read Brown Girl Dreaming by
Jacqueline Woodson. Unpopular opinion time: I thought it was boring. The individual
poems are good, but I don’t think the book works as a novel-in-verse because nothing happens. It’s just a bunch of poems about a typical childhood.
now, I’m reading We Are the Ants by
Shaun David Hutchinson. So far, I like the premise and the writing style. I’m
worried that the narrator is going to become too angsty for my tastes. I’ve
very much outgrown the teenage angst portion of my existence.
In My Internet Stalking Life
- Do you love wasting valuable time on pointless internet quizzes? Me too! Laura @ Green Tea & Paperbacks made one that will tell you which YA contemporary novel to read.
- Wendy @ Falconer's Library has recommendations for graphic novels and discusses the ALA renaming of one of its awards.
- Tracy @ Cornerfolds talks about what it's like to come back after a massive blogging slump.
- Want to ogle some ugly book covers? Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight has them.
- Are we too obsessed with new releases? (My answer is yes.) Marie @ Drizzle & Hurricane Books breaks down that question.
In The Rest Of My Life
things that made me happy last week:
- Harry Potter movie marathon!
- I love looking at lists of people’s favorite books of the year. If you have a mid-year list, and I haven’t commented on it, please leave a link.
- The news coverage of Trump’s visit to the UK made me laugh. The newscaster was acting deadly serious, but there was a giant baby Trump balloon bouncing around in the background. I didn’t know that Trump could fly. I thought he just golf carted slowly to everywhere.
- I’m still watching old episodes of The Great British Bake Off. In one episode, the bakers had to make American-style pie. I was like, finally! A dessert I recognize! Then it quickly became obvious that none of the bakers have ever tried American pie. Those things were not pies! I still love the Bake Off, though.
- I briefly caught up on my Goodreads goal. Don’t celebrate for too long. I’m behind again.
Follow Me Anywhere
Take care
of yourselves and be kind to each other! See you around the blogosphere!
I don't know if I ever liked angsty characters. There is only so much of that I can take, then it gets on my nerves. I did like what I have read from Hutchinson though.
ReplyDeleteThere’s only so much whining I can take before I get really annoyed, especially if the characters’ problems can be solved by talking to each other. Fictional people hate doing that, for some reason.
DeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
I have bee meaning to read that Gentlemen book but for some reason it keeps getting pushed aside.
ReplyDeleteYou should read it. It’s really good.
DeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
Oh my gosh the HP movie marathon totally made my weekend! I just discovered that I had GBBO episodes taped and watched that Pie episode. Totally not American pies! Good job on your GR challenge. Have a great week!
ReplyDeleteThanks! I always like waking up and discovering that Harry Potter is on all weekend.
DeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
I've been hearing so many good things about the Gentlemen book. I really need to pick that book up soon!
ReplyDeleteHere’s my Sunday Post!
Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays and Cover Spotlight!
Yes! It’s one of my favorite books I’ve read this year.
DeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
I really loved Brown Girl Dreaming... but I listened to the audio version read by the author. Sometimes reading vs listening makes a huge difference for me. Not sure I could've appreciated a 'novel in verse' in print.
ReplyDeleteHearing the poetry might have made it better. I might have appreciated it more.
DeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
We've started watching the Great British Baking show too, though we're way back at the beginning. I can only imagine the pies they tried to make. Were they hand-pies? The British love those things.
ReplyDeleteOne of the challenges was hand-pies, but they had to make American-style sweet pies, too. Like pumpkin, or chocolate, or key lime. But, they made them all gross and weird.
DeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
I keep seeing commercials on Sy Fy for the Harry Potter movies and they make me cry! I just love seeing how much Harry Potter means to people.
ReplyDeleteI know! Harry Potter is one of the best things to happen to the world.
DeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
I don't think I realized brown girl dreaming was poems. I may grab that from the library and have a look. :)
ReplyDeleteYep, it’s poems. I hope you like it!
DeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
Bwahahah now you have to show me what's a real American Pie! And I'll owrk on my fav list soon promise!
ReplyDeleteReal American pies mostly taste like calories and sugar. :)
DeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
LOL - on your bit on American pies. I will have to check that episode out ;-)
ReplyDeleteHaha, it was a little disappointing.
DeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
You can read a few graphic novels if you fall behind again.
ReplyDeleteYep. The only problem is that I don’t own any unread ones currently. I’m trying to read the books I have before I get more.
DeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
I watched that episode of Bake Off too! The eel pie segment was...well, definitely not for me 😂 I've seen a lot of positive reviews for Gentleman's Guide. May have to pick it up one of these days...Hope you have a great week, AJ!
ReplyDeleteIs it weird that I’d eat an eel pie if one was given to me? I’d never spend money on one, but . . . YOLO?
DeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
Ooh, I've only done a Harry Potter marathon once- I kept having to get up for more popcorn Lol. Hope you have another lovely week!
ReplyDeleteThanks! I’ve done a lot of Harry Potter marathons. I love those movies.
DeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
I have never seen a Harry Potter movie yet, but I bought them all so I will get to it. I also own and have listened to all the audio books. I try to forget Trump exists because he is all bad and stupid news all the time. Anne - Books of My Heart
ReplyDeleteYou need to see Harry Potter! They’re really good adaptations.
DeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
It was pretty funny seeing a flying baby Trump. And I love quizzes and other pointless wastes of time so I will go over and take that one forthwith!
ReplyDeleteHaha, I waste so much time on those quizzes. They’re fun.
DeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
Wahoo!! Congrats on catching up on your goal! I'm so behind right now... oops! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks! I’m behind again. I hope you’re able to catch up.
DeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
I really need to watch The Great British Bake Off. Everyone seems to love it! My husband and daughter have had Harry Potter on all weekend here too. I set my Goodreads goal low enough that I have already finished for the year - I guess it wasn't really much of a challenge :) Have a great week!
ReplyDeleteI’m thinking of lowering my goal. I know that the Goodreads challenge is stupid, and nobody cares how much I read, but it’s depressing being behind all the time.
DeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
That's crazy you're doing a Harry Potter marathon. I just got all of mine out. I'm doing those and then The Lord Of The Rings. Been so long and I have some time off of work coming soon. And I love internet quizzes too! LOL
ReplyDeleteMy Sunday Post
Enjoy your movies!
DeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
I loved laughing about the Trump blimp in London...and strangely enough, he thinks people love him. LOL
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your books. I have been wanting to read Brown Girl Dreaming, after enjoying Another Brooklyn.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Baby Trump balloon made the news more fun. It’s hard to be irritated when he’s bouncing around above the crowd.
DeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
I found Brown Girl Dreaming a slow read because it was poetry but I'm still glad I read it. For most of Monday I'll be on the road, driving home after an eight day road trip. My weekly updates
ReplyDeleteI hope you enjoyed your trip!
DeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
I enjoy looking at posts like that too, seeing what everyone is reading, though I don't know most of the books! It's been ages since I watched Harry Potter but I did have a Jurassic Park-fest when I was on holiday! I never get tired of those films and soon there will be a fifth dvd to obsess over! Pie for me is one with minced beef or steak in it! I don't know anyone here who eats stuff like pumpkin pie!
ReplyDeleteWe have pot pie. Those have meat and vegetables in them. Most pies here are sweet, though. I love pumpkin pie with whipped cream.
DeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
Oh I'm so glad you enjoyed Gentlemen's Guide, I have heard amazing things about this book so far and I ca't wait to read it at some point :)
ReplyDeleteThank you so, so much for sharing my post! <3 I hope you'll have a fantastic week <3
Gentleman’s Guide was awesome. I’m excited for the sequel.
DeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
We did a Harry Potter marathon during the winter, when the weather was dire and the grandchildren were trapped indoors. The highlight is always when their uncle makes a fleeting appearance in Order of the Phoenix:) I'm fascinated as to what the difference is between an English pie and an American pie... Have a great week, AJ:)
ReplyDeleteI’m not a baker, and I’ve never tried an English dessert pie, but American pies mostly taste like sugar. I’ve heard that British people don’t like that. :)
DeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
I think I'm in the minority about Gentleman's Guide. I thought it was boring and quit at about 30%. Come see my week here. Happy reading!
ReplyDeleteSorry you didn’t like it.
DeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
Hurray for finally reading Gentleman's Guide! I loved that book!! And omg that Trump visit was so embarrassing. I felt so bad for the Queen.
ReplyDeleteYeah, poor queen. She did nothing to deserve him.
DeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
The Gentleman's Guide looks good. I never got into the Harry Potter thing, but my husband likes it. I can't seem to catch up to my Goodreads challenge, but I'm still trying.
ReplyDeleteHope you have a great week!
No matter how fast I read, I’m always 2 books behind. It’s because I barely read at all in April and May.
DeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
I tried having a Harry Potter marathon... I fell asleep about 1/4 of the way through every single one of them, then woke up for the ending... EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.
ReplyDeleteHaha, that has happened to me with many, many movies.
DeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
LOL I remember that American pie challenge on the GBBO!They really had no clue. Lol. I have seen such good things about Gentleman's Guide - I'm going to have to check it out!
ReplyDeleteYes! Gentleman’s Guide is a lot of fun.
DeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
The Harry Potter marathon made me so happy as well!! Even if I don’t get the chance to sit and watch all of the movies straight through I constantly had the channel on so I could watch whenever I had the chance :) Have a great week!!
ReplyDeleteI’ve seen them all so many times that I don’t need to pay attention to them. I can glance at the screen every few minutes and know what’s going on.
DeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
Followed you on Pinterest. I get a decent amount of traffic from there.
ReplyDeleteThank you! I haven’t gotten much traffic yet, but I think I only have 8 followers right now.
DeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
I still haven't watched or read a HP book. =)
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful week!
You should hop on the bandwagon. :)
DeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
The Great British Bake Off sounds like fun, lol. That Trump Baby Blimp was something else. I just read somewhere today that it might be coming across the pond to New Jersey to fly near one of his golf courses. I think you're doing great on your reading challenges. You're over halfway there and we're barely halfway through the year so right on track :)
ReplyDeleteI hope the baby blimp comes here. It’s a lot cuter than its human counterpart.
DeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
You always seem to find such interesting posts in your "stalking" life. Most relevant: the post about the blogging slump. Most entertaining: the unfortunate covers post.
ReplyDeleteHappy reading!
Thanks! I try to find posts that are thought-provoking or hilarious.
DeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue have an upcoming sequel right? I saw many people getting it for ARC. Now that you liked the book, I'm definitely 50 times more keen to checking it out.
ReplyDeleteYep, it has a sequel. I should probably preorder it. I’m going to want it.
DeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
Ah, tHe Gentleman's Guide -- been on my TBR for far too long!
ReplyDeleteIt was on mine for a long time, too. I think I added it to my list before it came out, and I just got around to reading it.
DeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
Glad you (mostly) enjoyed GGtVaV. I felt the same. I enjoyed it but it felt it wen on a bit too long in places.
I agree that it could have been shorter.
DeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
I love Great British Baking Show! I have all the old ones set to record, so I didn't get the chance to see the American pie yet. Sounds like it's a fun one. LOL.
ReplyDeleteHope you have a great week!
Thanks! I hope you enjoy the episode.
DeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
The news coverage sounds amazing lol. I love fave book lists cuz I just love seeing people excited about books they love! Is the British Bake-Off on Netflix? Cuz I think I may have added it to my list. I just added a whole bunch of baking shows the other day lol.
ReplyDeleteYep, it’s on Netflix. They sometimes show old seasons on PBS, too.
DeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
I've been eyeing We Are The Ants - it sounds like a fascinating read. :)
ReplyDeleteI ended up being slightly disappointed with it, but mostly I liked it. For me, it had too much romantic angst and not enough alien abductions.
DeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
I LOVE that title! 'The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue' it's just so... awesome. Will check out the book.
ReplyDeleteYeah, it’s a perfect title for the book. The gentleman characters get into a lot of trouble.
DeleteAj @ Read All The Things!