Friday, May 20, 2016

FF Friday: In Which I Tell You Why I Read YA

Feature & Follow is a weekly blog hop hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. This week, I’m going to tell you why I read young adult books, even though I’m not the target audience for that genre.

Why I Read YA

Quick reads: YA books tend to be shorter and have larger font and margins than adult books. It usually takes me between 1 and 3 days to finish a YA book. Adult books can take me up to a week. I read a lot of YA whenever I get behind on my Goodreads reading challenge.

Relatable: I have very vivid memories of being a teenager. I can relate to many YA contemporary protagonists because I’ve been there, done that.

Variety and choices: Since YA is such a popular genre, there are a lot of books to choose from. You can find a YA book about almost any topic. “YA” also covers a wide range of reading and maturity levels. The writing in books for tweens is different from the writing in books for older teens. I like the variety.

Relatively straightforward: Some adult books require the reader to do a lot of thinking in order to understand the story. This is especially true of classics and experimental books. I spend a lot of time thinking about everything I read, but YA books usually take less thought to figure out.

Easy to find out about: Most of the blogs I follow review YA, so the books are easy to find out about. When I walk into the bookstore, I know the plots of most of the books on the YA shelves because I’ve seen them on blogs.

Interesting life stage: I think the teenage years are an interesting life stage to read about. The teenage years have a lot of “firsts,” and I love coming-of-age stories.

Curiosity about the future of the genre: YA is a relatively new genre. In the past, there were very few books written specifically for teenagers. I’m interested to see what the genre becomes in the future.

Nostalgia: I grew up reading YA, and I still have the maturity level of a 14 year-old. Why would I stop reading YA?

Do you read YA? Why?

The follow part of FF Friday: If you are a book blogger and you leave a link to your blog in the comments below, I will follow you on Bloglovin’. If you want to be friends on Goodreads, TwitterBookLikes, or G+, that would be awesome, too. Click the links to go to my pages on those sites. I’m looking forward to “meeting” you. 


  1. I love YA so much. For a lot of reasons you listed especially it being an interesting life stage. I feel like so much happens in those years and so many new feelings. Plus them being kind of quick and easy doesn't hurt :)

  2. Great reasons! I read YA because they're shorter and because the stories are so different from my adult life, but they're very relatable. I like to compare them to my own youth and also live vicariously through characters who do things that I never did as a teenager. And the emotions are strong and the character growth is believable.

  3. Great list! YA's not my favorite, but I love that YA lets me forget for a little while that I'm a grown up now and have grown up responsbilities.
    New Follower.

  4. I can relate to a lot of these reasons, particularly the one where adult books tend to make you think too much. I, no doubt, love a good thought provoking read, but every once in a while I just want to sit back, enjoy the book, and have fun, you know? Plus there's a ton of genres in YA to choose from. I enjoyed the contemporaries just as much as the fantasies.

    Brittany @ Space Between the Spines

  5. All good reasons! I also read lots of YA and graphic novels when I get behind on my Goodreads challenge! I used to read and review YA exclusively, and still enjoy reading new releases that interest me.

    New email follower and I also added you on Goodreads!

  6. Ooh I love all of these reasons. I find them relatable, too, and they're such entertaining reads, unlike most adult books who DO require a lot of thinking and are very often slow-paced!!

  7. I almost never read YA -- but I'm hearing more and more about them in my favorite genres: PNR and UF. I'm paying attention now to see what piques my interest!

    Following on Goodreads!


  8. I almost forgot! Your link jumped out at me because it made me LOL!

    Heather @ Bloodthirsty Muses --

  9. I really love this post idea. It has been a while since I have come across a FF post. There are always such interesting responses. I think that you have really come up with some great reasons for choosing YA. Nostalgia is a huge factor for me as well. :)

  10. I'm just like you. I don't think I'll ever give up on reading YA - and that's just fine with me! I LOVE the little quote/picture thing at the bottom of this post! Hilarious!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  11. I read mostly YA and sometimes I feel bad - like, should I be reading more adult books? - but he genre just seems to fit me very well. Yes, I'm still a teenager, but I feel like I'll be reading YA novels forever just because the plots or so unique, imaginative, and unlike those you can easily find in other genres. I don't really look at the genre when reading - just the storyline, but those that interest me most usually tend to be YA :D

  12. all great reasons to read YA and I find I agree with them all. I find ya has more passion for life and so I like that. A story full of firsts...things I will never get again. the world looks so fresh and new through the eyes of a teenager... I don't get that much anymore. We read them for the same reasons as adults write them. :)
