Tuesday, October 24, 2023

The End Of The Year Book Tag

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It's not the end of the year yet, but we're getting close, which means it's time to do The End Of The Year Book Tag. Hopefully these six questions will help me (and you) organize our reading lives before the year is over. It's time to get our butts in gear and smash our reading goals, people!

If you want to answer these questions on your blog, go for it. Consider yourself tagged. You still have a few months before the year is really over!

🎇  The End Of The Year Book Tag  🎆

Are there any books you started this year that you need to finish?

Ranger Confidential: Living, Working, And Dying In The National Parks by Andrea Lankford and The Gustav Sonata by Rose Tremain have been on my to-be-read shelf since 2021. I've picked them up and put them down a million times because I'm just never in the mood for them. They both have some depressing subject matter, but the reviews are awesome, so I'm going to read them. I just have to be mentally ready.

Do you have an autumnal book to transition to the end of the year?

Spook: Science Tackles The Afterlife by Mary Roach seems perfect for Halloween. Mary Roach is one of my favorite writers because she's hilarious and not afraid to ask awkward questions.

Is there a new release you're still waiting for?

I've been on a book buying ban for over a year. Since I have no self-control when it comes to books, I've been trying very hard to ignore new releases. I'm not waiting for anything because I have no idea what's coming out. (Don't tell me what's coming out. I will hunt you down.)

Three books you want to read before the year ends?

The Terror by Dan Simmons, The Last Hours by Minette Walters, and The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver are all massive historical fiction books that will take me forever to finish. I've been procrastinating them. Winter seems like a good time to finally slay these beasts.

Do you own an unread book that could become your favorite of the year?

I'm not entirely sure why, but I have a good feeling about Girl, Woman, Other by Bernardine Evaristo. Maybe it's because I love the cover? Or maybe it's because I looked up the Goodreads ratings of every unread book I own, and this one has the highest rating? I hope it lives up to the hype in my head.

Have you started making reading plans for next year?

Kind of? I have some vague plans for whenever my book buying ban is over. I wrote an entire blog post about them!

Do you want to answer these questions on your blog? Go for it!


  1. Ha. Some fun things here. But End of the Year tag? gulp. I'm so behind. You picked some Long books that you want to finish before Dec. 31. I have about 5 or 6 that i've narrowed down to get to. We must get off our butts! go.

  2. This is a fun tag! Good luck with reading the books you still want to read this year!

  3. I do have one book I want to finish before the end of the year... Wait for Me! by Deborah Mitford, a memoir. I have been reading a chapter now and then between books.

    I am amazed at your perseverance in not buying books. I once went 3 months without buying books but that was the limit for me.

  4. Seems to early to plan for next year. I am still trying to accomplish THIS year's plans. One question was interesting, about an unread book you think could be your favorite. Hmmmm. I do hope you read Girl, Woman, and Other and love it

  5. No way could I go a year without buying a book! Good for you!

    I'd hoped to read more George Eliot books this year, but after three, I gave up---no more, I think. I still have one more book for my classics challenge, but it is a book of Kafka short stories and I have to wait until it arrives for me from the library.

  6. I already know some of my favorite authors will be releasing books next year, so I'll definitely be reading those! I had one book I wanted to read before the end of the year, The Toll, and I just finished it!

  7. The Poisonwood Bible is a good book. I just need to get a little room on my TBR pile, sadly much of it is too serious for me to want to dig right in. I expect I'll read around 50 books next year, as I've read between 45-55 for much of my adult life.

  8. I have Girl, Woman, Other on my shelf and I keep avoiding it though I am not sure why.
