Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Attention-Grabbing One-Word Book Titles

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The best book titles don't just sum up a book. They grab the reader's attention. A good title is important. That's why I'm always impressed when a one-word title gets me to pick up a book and read the synopsis.

Here are 12 titles that got my attention and made me spend my money.

🔍  Attention-Grabbing One-Word Book Titles  👀

What's your favorite one-word book title?


  1. Educated was such a good read.

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post.

  2. These are all great examples, and interesting that so many are classics!

  3. Such good choices! They are all attention-grabbers. I've only read Hatchet and Educated, but I really liked both of them. :D

  4. There are some really awesome one word titles out there. and they can be really compelling when paired with a great cover.

  5. What a great list! I haven't read any of these, but several caught my eye. So many great covers, too. Thanks for sharing.


  6. I read Holes many years ago but don't remember much about it. I've always thought Blankets looked interesting.

  7. I almost added Stargirl and You to my list too. I loved both of those books.

  8. I actually read a few on this list. Alright! Holes is a great book.

  9. Wow! All of these book titles sound awesome! Great list!

    Here’s my TTT

    Rabbit Ears Book Blog: WORLD’S WEIRDEST BOOK BLOG!

  10. I've read half of these. DRY is a great read. It was so evocative and atmospheric that I wanted to drink water constantly while reading it! Ha ha.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

  11. I've read quite a few of these! Neal Shusterman's books are always thought provoking reads and I enjoyed both Dry and Scythe (though I've yet to read the other books in the series)-he seems to really like a one word title as well as a lot of his books are titled that way. I preferred the Netflix series of You to the book, I felt the book was oddly bloated for one that was fairly short and the series trimmed out some of the stuff that seemed kind of extraneous when I read it. I love Vicious, it's one of my favourite books (I mean I love VE Schwab in general but Vicious is definitely up there for me in terms of my favourite books of hers!).
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2023/07/18/top-ten-tuesday-429/

  12. I keep eyeing Stargirl at the bookstore and I never end up getting it. Maybe this will change my mind. Happy reading! My TTT https://readwithstefani.com/my-top-ten-favorite-contemporary-romance-books/

  13. Nice list. My mind is drawing a blank ... all I can think of is Pachinko which I liked.

  14. Great list!
    From the most recent ones, my favorite would be Homecoming: https://wordsandpeace.com/2023/07/18/top-ten-books-with-one-word-titles/
