Sunday, October 24, 2021

The Sunday Post #280


It's Baby Brooklyn!

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The Sunday Post is a chance to recap the past week, talk about next week, tell you what I’m reading, and share news. It’s hosted by The Caffeinated Book ReviewerReaderbuzz, and Book Date.

The Sunday Post #280

On The Blog Last Week

On The Blog This Week

  • I recommend some books about monsters.

In My Reading Life

My reading plans got derailed last week because I started watching YOU on Netflix. I can't resist a show about serial killers. I spent most of my free time watching YOU and eating M&Ms rather than reading. Oops.

I did finish book #5 in The Incorrigible Children Of Ashton Place series. How am I supposed to review book 5 in a series? Everything is a spoiler! If you haven't heard me raving about The Incorrigible Children yet, it's a historical fantasy series about a 15-year-old governess and her cursed employer. It's sweet and hilarious. The 5th book is the only one I haven't rated 5 stars. Some of the adult characters in the series are rather . . . stupid. I know that stupid adults are a popular trope in children's media, but the stupidity is a bit over-the-top in this book. I still gave it 4 stars, though. It's an entertaining series. I'm sad that I only have one book left to read.

I also finished Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-GarciaThe Rebecca vibes are strong with this one. It's about a young woman in 1950s Mexico City who receives a distressed letter from her cousin. She heads out to the wilderness and discovers that her cousin is trapped in a haunted house with a creepy family who is using her for nefarious purposes. This book takes "Slow Burn" horror to a new level. Honestly, I had a hard time getting invested in the plot because nothing happens in the first 100 pages. Then, suddenly, everything happens. I read the majority of the novel in one night because I love the creepy imagery and the quick way the family secrets unravel. I have a feeling this book will become a classic that's forced upon college students 50 years from now. It has similarities to Rebecca and Jane Eyre, but with a rural Mexican twist.

(Also, quick tangent: This is the second book I've read this year that reinforced my fear of mushrooms. I swear those things are up to no good. Don't underestimate the mushrooms! They'll take over the world if we let them!)

Right now, I'm reading Followers by Megan Angelo. I actually DNFed it a few months ago, but I wasn't sure if that was my fault or the book's. I was so stressed out from work that I couldn't concentrate on reading. It's a dystopia about famous people and the reporters who get paid to write about them. In this world, the famous people are kept in luxurious zoos and have cameras pointed at them constantly. Their only goal is to get followers so they can become more famous. I guess my issue with the book is that I'm not interested in fame or celebrities. I don't understand why someone would want 10 million social media followers. (Well, aside from the money. Having money would be awesome.) The characters are all awful people, but they're not awful in ways I find interesting. I'm not sure if I'm going to keep reading. If you've read it, tell me if it's worth finishing.

In The Rest Of My Life

Five things that made me happy last week:

  1. I actually have blog posts scheduled! It's been months since I had anything scheduled. Usually, I'm frantically trying to get posts done the night before I need to post them.
  2. Haircut! Not a professional one because I don't go anywhere. I just got my mom to chop off 6 inches. Now it's more manageable, and I don't look like a swamp witch.
  3. Watching YOU. (Haha, that sounds creepy.) It's a perfect Halloween show. There are serial killers, but there's also humor and depth. Have you read the books? How do they compare to the show? I don't usually read thrillers, but I like the show enough that I might try the books.
  4. Dewey's Readathon! Did you participate? How did you do? (I'm writing this post before the readathon starts, so I'm not sure how I did. I have a feeling I read for an hour and then fell asleep because YOU has been keeping me up all night.)
  5. Exploring with Baby Brooklyn. That's her at the top of your screen. We were on a quest to find a playground, but Brooklyn discovered a "Billy Goat Bridge" and promptly got distracted by the possibility of trolls.

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Take care of yourselves and be kind to each other. See you around the blogosphere!


  1. I think I'd like Mexican Gothic. Have a great reading week!

  2. Maybe I should have stuck with Mexican Gothic, I also found it extremely slow. I thought Followers was okay.

  3. I cannot get over how big Brooklyn is. When did that happen! Writing any sequel review is a struggle for me. Book 5 would cause me a meltdown. That's a lot of trust in your mom to let her cut your hair. I have photographic evidence of my parents handiwork from my youth. I will NEVER let them near me with a scissor.

  4. The Incorrigible Children Of Ashton Place series sounds fantastic (well, maybe except book #5). I will make a note about it after Cybils season.

    Look at Brooklyn. Won't be able to call her Baby Brooklyn much longer.

  5. Great photos, and Brooklyn is adorable!

    I tried to watch YOU, but I really hated that guy, lol.

    I have had my eye on Mexican Gothic.

    Enjoy your week!

  6. Well the hairdresser will be next Wednesday! And if I don't schedule my posts for the week on Sundays I wuoldn't post anything at all!!!!

  7. Brooklyn is adorable and OMG getting so big! I loved Mexican Gothic! I think I have Followers on my TBR, so we'll see how it goes!

  8. Brooklyn is adorable!! I keep thinking of reading Mexican Gothic, but I'm kind of scared to read it.

  9. Brooklyn is so cute! And I love all the pictures.

    I read Rebecca and Jane Eyre years ago as well as other gothics, but I don't like gothics much anymore. The Incorrigible series sounds like fun! I'm going to take a look at it. I hope you have a great week.

  10. I hear you on writing reviews for books in a series. It's hard not to include spoilers. Followers sounds like it has an interesting concept, but it is hard to continue when you don't like the characters.

    Brooklyn is adorable! Just look at that smile and the fall colors look amazing too.

    Have a great week!

  11. Well, Brooklyn is no longer a baby. She's beautiful. Great outdoor photos. It's been so nice I've been enjoying walking.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  12. Love the pictures of Brooklyn - I can't believe how big she's gotten!! And I love the fact that she got distracted by a Billy Goat Bridge. That is just adorable.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  13. Brooklyn is so cute! I started watching You but stopped for some reason. It's still on my list to get back to. I hope you have a great week!

  14. I'd decided to skip Mexican Gothic, but now you've got me reconsidering. Sounds like I'll be good if I can make it through the first 100 pages. When did Brooklyn get so big?? She's a cutie.

  15. Baby Brooklyn is adorable! Your photos in nature are beautiful. I did read You and thought it was great but just haven't followed up with the other books. I keep thinking I want to watch the show but not before I read the books but at the rate I'm going I should just go ahead and watch it! Hope you have a great week ahead!

  16. Nice pics. Brooklyn is growing up! Sounds like you give Mexican Gothic big thumbs up? If so, I will get to it. I'm okay with a slow burn as long as something happens eventually. You know trolls could be under that bridge ... I think so

  17. Brooklyn is adorable and I love that you got distracted by trolls. I loved The Billy Goats Gruff story! The apple picture is beautiful. It looks somewhat fairy tale-y. I'm deeply suspicious as mushrooms as well. Anything that has that texture cannot be good for you plus half of them seem to be deadly poisonous so how can you trust them? Have a great week!

  18. I like monsters so book recs are always good. Especially at spooky time. And scheduling? I remember scheduling. I wish I still did that lol.

    I started YOU S1 but don't think I ever finished. Yikes that guy was creepy haha. I just finished Squids Game and good grief...

    "swamp witch" lol.

  19. Hmmm maybe I shouldn't have given up on Mexican Gothic... I got bored early on too. Hurray for scheduled posts!

  20. Well done for scheduling some blog posts. It's been ages since I did that too. I missed Dewey's Readathon this time. I haven't done one in a while, but maybe next time if it falls on a (rare) free weekend. Brooklyn is so cute! But she looks so grown up. How did that happen?

  21. What a bright smile, Brooklyn is a cutie

    Wishing you a great reading week

  22. Brooklyn is adorable! The thought that there might be trolls under the bridge that is just awesome. :)

  23. Omigosh I can't wait to start the new season of YOU! I hope it's fantastically creepy xD And Brooklyn is so adorable!! They grow up so fast!
    Hope you have another great week!

  24. Baby Brooklyn isn't so much a baby anymore. Great pictures! I've had The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place on my Kindle since 2012. Probably that was three or four Kindles ago but it should still be in my Kindle collection at Amazon. Anyway, I should give it a try since you like it so much. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  25. I'm still trying to get my hands on The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place after you rand and raved about it a couple of weeks ago. Sounds good and I'm in an Middle Grade Reads vibe at the moment.

    I must start watching YOU. Haven't enjoyed the book and actually didn't finish. The TV show seems very popular though.

    Have a good week AJ!

    Elza Reads

  26. I just can't watch shows about serial killers, I get too creeped out. I can read about them and listen to podcasts, but the TV visuals are too much.

    And mushrooms. I just can't eat them. They taste like dirt to me so I think I am safe from the scariness of them! :-)

  27. Lovely photos. Ooo, now I want to try YOU.

  28. When you said you were watching "You", I got nervous, but since I've yet taken up the hobby of serial killing, I feel the "You" must be "Them" :). Brooklyn is so cute and I like the idea of searching for trolls.

  29. Hi Not So Baby Brooklyn! I'm slowly watching You as well, this season is WILD.
