Sunday, November 5, 2023

The Sunday Post #345

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The Sunday Post is a chance to recap the past week, talk about next week, tell you what I’m reading, and share news. It’s hosted by The Caffeinated Book ReviewerReaderbuzz, and Book Date.

The Sunday Post #345

On The Blog Recently

In My Reading Life

Have you ever felt "meh" about a book while you were reading it, but then you couldn't stop thinking about it when it was over? That's me with A Separate Peace by John Knowles. It keeps randomly popping into my head. It's happening so often that I'm tempted to buy my own copy of the book so I can reread it without having to sit on the library waitlist again.

A Separate Peace is set at a boys' boarding school in the early 1940s. The book doesn't have much action, but the characters are awesome. The author does an excellent job of capturing the insecurity of people's teenage years. This is the definition of a coming-of-age novel. The story stars a group of teenage frenemies who are growing up in an ultra-competitive environment. The school has high academic expectations and mandatory sports participation. How do you make friends and trust people in a world where everything is a competition, and everyone is a potential enemy?

WWII hangs over the plot like a storm cloud. The boys know they're being educated and trained to be soldiers, even if that's not what they want for themselves. Joining the military after high school is an unwritten rule.

Even though this book was first published in the 1950s, it's still relatable because it's about the difficulties of coping with disappointment. What if you never get the future you dream about? What if you can't live up to your own expectations? What if you make a mistake that can't be undone?

I understand why this novel is a modern classic. WWII may be over, but teenagers will always be full of doubt and insecurity.

Nonfiction November has begun! My first nonfiction read was Spook: Science Tackles The Afterlife by Mary Roach. As you can probably tell from the title, it's about scientific studies that attempted to find evidence of an afterlife. Spoiler alert: none of them have been successful. The afterlife is very hard to prove with science.

Mary Roach has an engaging writing style, and she makes herself part of the story. She travels to India to interview people who claim to have been reincarnated; she takes classes on how to be psychic; she goes ghost hunting; and she examines preserved samples of "ectoplasm." Interspersed with her adventures are explanations of real scientific studies that searched for the soul. Mostly, this book is about the fascinating gap between what we believe and what we can prove.

Spook was first published in 2005, and it shows. I probably shouldn't criticize something for being old, but I badly want an updated version of this book! Technology has changed a ton since 2005. Are scientists still looking for the afterlife? What have we found with newer technology? Can we get an updated book with more pictures? We need more pictures of the stuff the author talks about!

This book is fun and quick to read, but it's also frustratingly outdated. I need to find a newer book about the same subject.

In The Rest Of My Life

Five things that made me happy recently:

  1. It snowed! First snow of autumn.
  2. Who watched The Fall Of The House Of Usher on Netflix? I liked it. I've read everything Edgar Allan Poe published, so I loved all the Poe references. It's a gory TV show, though. Don't watch it if you can't stand blood and guts and piles of melted corpses.
  3. Speaking of Netflix, I finally caught up on The Great British Bake Off. I don't know who I want to win yet. I have several favorites.
  4. So much candy. Candy is the best part of Halloween.
  5. I hope you had a great Halloween! Brooklyn was so hyper that I didn't get a good photo of her, but she had fun. Trick-Or-Treating quickly became a door-to-door dog petting expedition. Brooklyn would ring a doorbell, hear dogs bark, and shout "I love dogs! Can I pet your dogs?" She ended up petting 16 dogs and 1 cat.

Trick-Or-Treat! I Love Dogs!

Take care of yourselves and be kind to each other. See you around the blogosphere!


  1. I am also caught up on Great British Baking Show and loving it as I always do.

    I have only read one Mary Roach book, but found it fascinating. I love that she takes on interesting topics and does such good research. I read A Separate Peace when I first started teaching in the mid-1990s and you're right, the book's after effect is strong!

  2. I’ve always heard of the Knowles book, but never read it. I wonder what caused you to read it now… is it going to be featured somewhere?

    best, mae at

  3. I read A Separate Peace in 1985 (pretty sure), and I still remember it. One of the few required reading that really stuck with me. Brooklyn is a true treasure. I am glad she had fun trick-or-treating/petting dogs.

  4. I love the dog petting competition LOL You really do have a dry humor that never fails to make me laugh AJ!

  5. A Petting-Dogs holiday sounds as fun as a Collecting-Candy holiday.

    I feel certain that I have read A Separate Peace, but, if I have, it's not something I put on Goodreads. Hmmm...

    And Spook is a book I know I'd like.

  6. I read A Separate Peace probably 40 years ago. I remember some of it. I should read it again. I love the dog petting adventure. You have to be careful though. When my brother was 4, they came to pick me up from my piano teacher's house and he hugged the dog and it bit his ear. I don't think he hugged it too hard or anything. We had a dog, smaller, and he knew how to treat them. Anyway, it sounds like an awesome Halloween. Snow! We are still have pretty nice weather so yeah.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  7. Aww, Brooklyn! How cute! We did not take Henry door to door this year - maybe next year. I have to catch up on Bake Off - too much stuff to watch right now!

  8. Forget the candy, trick or treating is just an excuse to pet dogs!! I love it!

  9. I remember reading A Separate Peace in high school ages ago, but plot details have faded. I'd like to reread it, especially after having a positive experience with a couple of other high school rereads. Brooklyn is so cute!

  10. I also just got caught up on the Great British Baking Show. Can't wait until Friday! I love that Brooklyn got excited about petting all the neighbor's pets. She looks so cute in that photo!

  11. Brooklyn is the cutest! I like to pet dogs too. I have a couple of Mary Roach's books and really need to try to read one of the soon. Have a great week!

  12. Adorable! That is my kind of Halloween--petting dogs! (And eating candy, of course!)

  13. I'm glad you are enjoying the snow. I'll let you enjoy and stay here in Sunny Southern California. :)

  14. A Separate Peace sounds familiar. I must have read it years ago. Brooklyn is adorable. Hope you have a great week!

  15. What a great photo of Brooklyn. She is so cute! A Separate Peace sounds fascinating. Hope you enjoy your week.

  16. I totally think Halloween should be turned into a pet petting excursion. That sounds like such fun. The Spook book sounds interesting despite the spoiler warning! Hope you have a great week.

  17. Brooklyn is so cute! YAY for snow!! I can't wait until we get our first snow. Have a great week! :)

  18. I've read A Separate Peace too though I can't remember when or why. I've always been intrigued by Mary Roach's nonfiction but haven't actually read any. The cover of Stiff comes to mind when I think of her. I read so little nonfiction. Love the idea of dog-petting as a trick-or-treat activity. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  19. A Separate Peace does sound like a really worthwhile read. Cute Halloween pic and story.

  20. I read A Separate Peace years ago, but I admit I do not remember it much. I remember Spook. I used to read Mary Roach's writing in Reader's Digest when I was a teen and then later read her book Stiff, which I loved. I tried the audio version of Bonk, but didn't make it through it--I found it boring. I liked Spook, but didn't love it.

    We were in Utah this weekend and my mother-in-law was saying they normally have snow this time of year, but we brought our California weather with us, so there wasn't any. Maybe they'll get some by Thanksgiving.

    I am glad Brooklyn had a good Halloween. I am glad she was able to visit with so many of the pets along the way. :-) That sounds like the best part to me.

    I hope you have a great week!

  21. Brooklyn's costume is fun. Ha. I'm glad she got to pet the doggies. Snow! We had snow here too but now it's melted away which surprised me. We are back to fall and pretty warm temps. Crazy.

  22. We don't do Daylight Savings here in Japan. So we didn't gain an extra hour of sleep. I'm not complaining though. xD
