Tuesday, September 17, 2024

My Book Buying Ban: Two Years Later

In August 2022, I ran out of space for new books. They overflowed my shelves, and I started stacking them on the bedroom floor, where I promptly tripped over them. It was a problem. I decided to put myself on a buying ban until I've read (and donated) all my unread books. That was two years ago. Here's what's happened so far.

🕮  An Update On My Book Buying Ban  🚫

1. I learned that books just . . . happen to me. I've barely bought any books in the past two years, but I somehow still own 10 unread books. I've discovered that books happen to me. I get them as gifts for birthdays and holidays. People fling them at me and shout, "Here, read this!" Sometimes books from publishers randomly show up in the mail. Books insert themselves into my life without being invited. I guess there are worse problems to have, but it doesn't help my book hoarding situation.

2. The ban hasn't been a total success. I have bought books in the last two years. I noticed that a lot of my paperback editions of classics were falling apart, so I replaced them with nicer editions. I also spent a stupid amount of money on college textbooks for EMT school. That was not my choice! School doesn't understand book buying bans!

3. I've sold or donated around 400 books. The goal of the buying ban was to make space for new books. I (somewhat) accomplished that mission by getting rid of books that I've read but will never reread. My shelves are still pretty full, but there are no more books on the floor or in the closet. I'm not going to die by tripping over books.

4. I've pivoted to using the library. I haven't been buying books, but I've still been reading them. According to my spreadsheet, 34.2% of the books I've read in 2024 came from the library. This is a slight problem because library books have due dates, and I have to prioritize them over the books I already own. If I want to get through my unread books, I need to stay out of the library.

5. I'm not stopping. I've been on a book buying ban for so long that it's not difficult anymore. I don't miss book shopping because the library fills that void. I'm happier with fewer books cluttering up the house. I think the ban has become a lifestyle. I rarely buy books, and I'm okay with it.

Do you think I'll ever have 0 unread books? I'm going to try.

Do you know how many unread books you have on your shelves?


  1. I have a bunch of unread books, but honestly many of them are borrowed from my sister. I do buy too many books, though. My library is awesome and I need to get back to using it more.

  2. I am so proud of you for not buying books. I can't do that. Recently I've gotten rid of a bunch of books that I know I will never get around to reading.

  3. Ten unread books is AMAZING!!!! And sticking to your ban for two years --AMAZING!! It sucks to spend money on textbooks, but what can you do? I read a LOT of library books. It's a fact that seldom buy books. Love this post!

  4. I need to do a serious unhauling too.
    Hope you're able to hit that 0 unread books. I'd like to do so too but know I won't.

  5. Very much the same situation for me! Good for you!

  6. The last time I counted my unread books I had about 50. Since then, I've read some of them, and bought a few more. But I've donated a few of them, too. And checking out too many library books is the biggest reason I never seem to get around to reading my own books. Donating 400 books is pretty amazing. Good luck getting your unread books down to zero. :D

  7. First, the EMT books do not count because A) you are probably not having fun, and B) it was against your will. So, absolve yourself there! As for how many I have.... look, we shouldn't go there. I will say, I have lessened my book spending by a LOT, most months I have bought one or zero. And, I'd say at least half of the books I buy are ones I loved and want my own copy of. I also unhauled about 500 when I moved 6 years ago. All that said... I still have approximately a thousand books unread on my shelves. That is not some kind of "omg I have billions of books!", that is... legitimately I have about a thousand unread physical books. If we go to Kindle books... maybe we'd reach that billion? Look, it is a problem that will likely never be solved. Like you, a lot of them just showed up heh. Some are from decade-ago book events, some of course I bought. I will probably need to do another cull one day but I am too tired so for now they stay.

    Incidentally- guess how many of my OWN books (aka, not review books) I have read this year so far, out of 122? The answer is ONE, AJ. I read one. And it was Saga 11, so it barely counts. I need to work on this but man, it is hard. I am VERY impressed with your success!

  8. I have 175 unread books and the majority of them are stacked knee-high in the bottom of my closet because I got rid of my floor to ceiling Ikea bookcases. My problem is that I like participating in all the various reading events and challenges and I don't own very many books that fit those challenges!!! So, I'm checking ebooks out from the library instead of reading my own books.

  9. I could probably go count the unread books I have... I would guess around 50 out of a library of a couple thousand. Some were topics I was once interested in and have moved on, others I just couldn't get into or couldn't find the time.

  10. Yes, books just happen. I would be happy with 0 paper books in my house. I'm an ebook lover. But somehow my bookshelves keep overflowing.
