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Ten Tuesday! Today, we’re talking about book covers. Have you ever wondered
what it takes to design a book cover? I have. I stare at gorgeous covers and
wish I had artistic talent. There are some truly stunning books in the world.
The books I’m going to show you in this post . . . are not those stunning books. I decided to live out my book designer
dream and create some covers for pretend books. The results are not great. I’m
not an artist. I jumped into this project without doing any research
whatsoever. I want you to have realistic expectations before we wade into the
mess I made. You’re probably going to cringe at my creations.
The first step
to creating a book cover is learning what the book is about. For my pretend
books, I Googled “random book title generator.” (Yes, those exist.) I played
with different generators and picked the . . . um . . . stupidest titles.
Then I created covers to match the titles. Here’s what happened: