Sunday, June 21, 2020

The Sunday Post #229

The Sunday Post is a chance to recap the past week, talk about next week, tell you what I’m reading, and share news. I’m linking up with The Caffeinated Book ReviewerReaderbuzz, and Book Date.

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The Sunday Post #229

On The Blog Last Week

On The Blog This Week

  • On Tuesday I show you some upcoming releases that I hope to read.
  • On Saturday there’s a book haul.

In My Reading Life

Last week, I finished Wolf Winter by Cecilia Ekbäck. I think it’s marketed as a historical thriller, but it’s so slow paced that I’d call it literary fiction. Or literary mystery. Nothing thrilling happens until the very end, where there are a bunch of brilliant and surprising plot twists. The story is set in remote Sweden in the 1700s. A man is found dead in a small town. At first, people think he was killed by animals, but soon it’s discovered that he was murdered, and everybody in town becomes a suspect.

Overall, I was invested enough in the mystery that I enjoyed the book, but it does take a lot of patience to get through. You spend most of the story getting to know the characters. Some points-of-view are more intense than others. I didn’t always understand the characters’ motivations. But, the ending made the book worth reading for me. I didn’t guess the identity of the murderer!

Then I read The Wicker King by K. Ancrum. I really liked this one! It’s written in vignettes, so it’s super quick to read. It’s also a mixed-media book. There are photos, drawings, music playlists, and different colored pages. I loved the reading experience. It’s about two teenage boys who have a bizarre, abusive friendship. One of the boys develops a disease that causes him to hallucinate, and the other boy treats the hallucinations like they’re real-life events. The side characters badly need more development, but the weird relationships are so thought-provoking that I didn’t care. I’ll definitely be reading the author’s other book.

Right now, I’m listening to Becoming by Michelle Obama and reading Don’t Call Us Dead by Danez Smith. So far, they’re both fascinating.

In The Rest Of My Life

Five things that made me happy last week:

  1. It was an excellent book week. My library (finally) got more copies of Becoming, so I (finally) got off the billion year waitlist. Then my dad surprised me with a copy of the new Hunger Games book. I don’t usually get brand new books. It’s so pretty! And completely lacking mystery stains!
  2. I’ve been getting up at 5 AM and walking several miles. At dawn, there are tons of animals and very few humans outside. I almost got trampled by a deer that was galloping down the path, which was rude, but it’s worth it.
  3. I’m hopefully going to start taking a virtual photography class. Will this motivate me to take photos? I don’t know.
  4. There are no more books from 2018 on my TBR shelf! All of my unread books were bought last year or this year. My current “oldest” book was bought on March 15, 2019.
  5. I reached my Goodreads goal! When I set the goal, I didn’t expect that I’d be spending so much time trapped inside my house.

I Love You! (As A Friend. And From A Distance)

Take care of yourselves and be kind to each other! See you around the blogosphere!


  1. That's quite the Father's Day image there! I wish I got up early and walked several miles. Good for you!

  2. I loved Becoming...and now I think I should listen to it. I love hearing her voice!

    Congrats on finishing your books from 2018! I still have some...and even a few from 2017.


    Enjoy your week, and here are my WEEKLY UPDATES

  3. Becoming Michelle Obama is on my list to read this summer-
    We have noticed much more wildlife in general. Maybe since the shutdown and less cars on the road. My friend saw big (non poisonous) snakes in her development, I saw a beautiful fox the other day, and my yard for the first time ever is hosting tons of squirrels. I wish I could take better photos (for my blog), I have bought books and signed up for a virtual course, but just really don't have the interest- just like to complain about my photos!! Have a good week.

  4. Lol - your father's day image cracked me up, when I recall what happens next:)). Oh, go you for getting up at 5 am - at one point this week, that was when I was going to bed, after a very long, rather intense phone call with my daughter... Have a great week, AJ and congratulations on hitting your Goodreads challenge already:))

  5. I love books with mixed media. All those pieces add something special to the story. Awww, how sweet of your dad to buy you a book. I don't even know if my dad would know where to go to find one for me. That's fantastic that you are getting out there, though, the close call with the deer is a bit scary. Have fun with the photography class. I am thinking of doing something online too. I am waiting to commit until July rolls around, because if I don't hear from my company, I will definitely be work-from-home for at least another 30 days.

  6. Congrats on reaching your Goodreads goal! We got up a couple times really early to take walks, but I don't know how sustainable that is for me.

  7. Wow I love the idea of waking up at five AM but it has been hard to do so. But you are an inspiration

  8. I enjoyed Michelle Obama's book-she is kind of my hero. I let my dogs out early one morning and there were deer. Everyone froze-the deer recovered first and hopped the fence. The dogs just looked at me like "what do we do".

  9. You have had a good week. I don't think I expected to be able to read so many books this year so soon either. Congratulations on achieving your Goodreads goal.

    I thought Michelle Obama's family was an ideal family. Great parents who set standards but don't hover. An older brother who is loved by everyone. If people could all have such a great family to grow up in.

    I'm glad you enjoyed Winter Wolf but I don't want to work that hard right now to enjoy a book.

    Love your early morning walks. I thought we got up early!

  10. The Wicker King is a movie I've seen, didn't realize it was a book too! I'm behind on my reading goal. Haven't been reading as much as playing Animal Crossing. I need to get back to reading like I was when all this first started. Hope you have a good week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

  11. Congrats on reaching your GR goal. Becoming is one heck of a great book. I enjoying listening to her voice very much. So happy listening and happy reading!

  12. The Wicker King is on my TBR for next month! And yes going early for a walk makes you see so many animals! I love these early walks

  13. It's always great to get gifted a book we really want! I'll need to make do with the e-book version until a paperback comes out-if I like it of course!

  14. Great job with the walking and Goodreads challenge and being so up-to-date on your TBR. I just don't get up that early as I'd never see my night owl daughter. We eat together at night which is my dinner and her lunch. Take care and stay well!

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

  15. Becoming has been on my to-listen list for so long. Glad you're enjoying it... and congrats on reaching your goodreads goal!

  16. Congrats on the Goodreads goal! That's great. I've been wanting to listen to Becoming. It looks like it will be interesting. Hope you have a great week!

  17. Huh, I've been really curious about The Wicker King. I think I'm gonna have to take a look!

  18. Oh wow! Congrats on your TBR and Goodreads reading achievements! I want to get to that level with my TBR.

  19. I listened to BECOMING last year. I love that it is read by Michelle herself. Thanks for dropping by my blog.

  20. I loved Becoming and might try in again as an audio. It's great that you're getting up so early to walk. Nothing motivates me at 5 am :)

  21. I love when I reach my reading goals! I can feel you're loving this too, so congrats on clearing out your 2018 TBR books and completing your GR goal. I've heard so many things about Becoming, I'm tempted to read it sooner rather than later.

  22. Wolf Winter does sound interesting, even if it is a bit slow. The twistiness of the end has me curious! And yay for a good book week! And a new Hunger Games book! I admit I'm pretty curious about that...

  23. Sometimes a slow read is still very good reading. I loved Becoming, good to hear you are enjoying it.

  24. I am interested in listening to Becoming! Congrats on reaching your GR challenge already!

  25. Ha! Love the Father's Day meme. :) I still haven't got to Becoming but it's high on my TBR. Glad to see you're enjoying it. I'm so impressed that you're going for walks at 5:00 each morning! I typically get up at 5:00 every day... but I'm not hopping up and leaving the house for walks. LOL

  26. Congratulations on reaching your goal. I haven't reached mine yet, but am ahead of schedule. But I am also now reading some long heavy histories that will slow me down. Good for you for walking early in the morning--a great time of day!

  27. How awesome that you've met your Goodreads goal and gotten through all your 2018 books. I wish I could say the same. The Wicker King sounds fabulous.

  28. Sounds like you had a very successful week! I admire people who can plan their reading so far in advance. I try but then I feel like I am no longer in the mood for it when it is that books turn. I am trying to plan July right now though, we will see if I can stick with a plan.

    Enjoy your books and your class!

  29. I'm so torn about the new Hunger Games book. I liked the Hunger Games, but I'm a bit over it(?) I'll probably still read it and secretly enjoy it. Followed you back on Bloglovin--have a great week!

  30. You and I are handling being trapped inside in opposite ways---you're reading more and I'm reading less. Glad books have been keeping you occupied!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  31. You walk at 5 AM? Wow! I'm up until midnight most nights, so getting up by 8 seems early to me. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  32. Ugh, I hate it when thrillers are missing the thrill. I REALLY want to read The Wicker King as soon as I can grab a copy. That's been on my list forever. I don't believe in 5am, but your walks sound lovely. Haha!

  33. I'm glad to hear you're enjoying Becoming. That was one of my favorite reads last year. The virtual photography class sounds really interesting. You'll have to let us know how you like it. I used to take photography classes a few years ago but feel like I've forgotten everything I learned.

  34. Ohhh I REALLY want to read both The Wicker King and Becoming! I am glad that you enjoyed/are enjoying them! And wowww I am seriously impressed at your commitment to walking and solitude. I barely go to BED by 5am!

  35. I love taking pictures in nature! I already miss my morning runs, but hopefully I'll get back to it soon. Hope you have a great week!

  36. Congrats on reaching your goal! I enjoyed Becoming a lot :) The Wicker King looks fascinating! I'm on the library waiting list for the new Hunger Games book....someday. LOL Thanks for sharing and enjoy your week!

  37. Yay for reaching your Goodreads goal! I hope you love Becoming - especially after all that waiting! The early morning walks sound lovely. I hope you have a great week & happy reading!

  38. Woohoo on the GR challenge! I'll be staring mine down come December wondering why I aimed so high, lol.

    I'm now a fan of biographies but will admit that I'm curious about Becoming. Michelle Obama seems like a lovely and wholely awesome lady. Hope you enjoy!

  39. Congrats on reaching your GR goal!
    We've gone on a couple of early morning hikes lately and have run into way more wildlife than usual! It's always fun for my 5yo and we're learning all about their tracks!
    Becoming was fantastic! Enjoy!

  40. I'm dying to get my hands on the new Hunger Games book, but it's so expensive! :( Congrats on reaching your Goodreads goal. =D

    Happy readings!
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

  41. Good job on the GR goals and completing your TBRs before 2019. That will never happen for me as I have way too many books. :-)
    Wolf Winter and The Wicker King both sound good to me.
    Have a good week and more Happy Reading!
