Tuesday, August 27, 2024

A Narcissism Post About Narcissism Posts

Today we're talking about everybody's favorite topic: ME! It's a narcissism post about narcissism posts. I don't think I can handle this level of self-absorption. I might collapse into a black hole and suck the entire universe into myself.

I've written a lot of blog posts about myself. Every Sunday Post I've ever written is about me. But, what about the other posts? Which ones are the most self-absorbed? Here are the posts you should read if you want to learn everything about me.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Best Books From The Last 10+ Years

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It's my blogiversary! Actually, it was my blogiversary on August 16th, but close enough. My first post on this blog was published on August 16, 2013, and is probably cringeworthy. Don't look at it.

Instead of looking at old posts, let's look at old books. What are my favorite books from every year I've been blogging?

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Best Travel Books

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This was a hard list to make because I've read a slew of brilliant books about people who travel. How do I choose the best ones? Should I pick books about famous explorers? Should I focus on traditional road trip stories where the characters travel by car? What about science fiction and fantasy? Do those count? How about outdoor survival stories? I've read a ton of those.

Maybe I should pick books that feature different modes of transportation? Walk, crawl, climb, horse, train, boat, car, spaceship?

Since I couldn't decide, I picked everything. Here are 10 awesome books where people travel somehow somewhere.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

The Sunday Post #372

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The Sunday Post is a chance to recap the past week, talk about next week, tell you what I’m reading, and share news. It’s hosted by The Caffeinated Book ReviewerReaderbuzz, and Book Date.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

August 2024 Book Releases

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There are tons of awesome books coming out in August. Here are three that I can't wait to read.